What's the last movie you watched?

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...After many recommendations, I finally watched John Carter. Turned out to be an EXCELLENT movie. Very enjoyable in all the right ways - funny, suspenseful, dramatic - but most of all, believable. For a movie set on Mars anyways!
We loved John Carter!

Last night we watched "Tremors 3: Back to Perfection." Michael Gross was a hoot in all of them, but especially in this one.
There was no way I could have fallen asleep, I already want to see it again and I still have the new Batman to see.:rolleyes:
He did pretty good--he usually sleeps through the last half of movies. :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL: He always sees the whole movie, just not always at the same time. We also have the new Batman movie and are looking forward to seeing it soon.
Watched Ted, hilarious and Barbara L, you definitely will NOT like the language. I laughed so much I am in pain.
I'm still laughing over it today, telling folks at work, that I know would not be offended, to watch it.
I watched some ridiculously stupid movie yesterday and don't remember the name. All I know is I've been getting some real bums at Netflix. I figured, Robert Deniro, Forest Whitaker, some other guy... it must be good. WRONG! The "other guy" in the picture could not act with a darn and I can only assume wrote the movie, too, for as poor as it was. I'm not one to turn off a movie easily, but I pressed Stop on this one with about 15 minutes left. I just couldn't take it any more. Hard to believe those two guys would make such a dud.
So if you are scrolling through Netflix streaming movies and run across a cop movie with the above actors, skip it.
Consider this a public service announcement ;)
We watched October Baby last night.

Tonight, we're watching Argo. It's cold and rainy here so we're gonna all cozy up next to the fireplace and watch this movie. Should be a good one, based on all the current reviews.
I revisted Netflix and my poor review was for a movie called Freelancers, which apparently was featuring the rapper 50 cents. No wonder it was so bad. Ice Cube can act, 50 cents not so much, lol. It would have been a bad movie anyway.
Speaking of streaming Netflix, my old Roku box died about a year ago so I've been watching streaming Netflix on my little tablet at home or on the Netflix equipped TV at work.
Then yesterday at 1saleaday.com I saw a HD Roku box at half off so I jumped on the deal.
I should ask my BIL if he's still using the Roku box I bought him last year...

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