Dinner Thursday 9th May 2013

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Chef Extraordinaire
Jun 24, 2012
Tonight we are making a pork mince bolognese with ciabatta cooked on the griddle pan :yum:
Tonight was fettuccine with sauteed garlic, red bell pepper, and asparagus, topped with Parmigiano Reggiano.
Brownies and vanilla ice cream for a late dessert.
i'm taking my boy to get his hair cut today, then if there's time to get dw a mama's day gift.

since it came out so good the other night, dw requested that i grill some chicken breasts with the turkish rub that i posted a few days ago.
I'm out of ready to heat up meals, so must create a new batch of something....thinking of a soup, and judging from what's in the pantry, it looks to be potato soup.
I went to the farmer's market this morning and got some of the first locally grown asparagus of the season!

I even made it past the Amish/Mennonite pie people without caving in! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

Tonight is a boneless rib eye and asparagus cooked in milk, butter and freshly ground black pepper!
I'm brining some poke chops for the grill. I'll whip up some mashed potatoes and a veggie to fill out the plates.
We're going to have a chicken pot pie. The chicken is already shredded and ready to go. I'm going to flavor the gravy with some saffron to kick it up a notch.
Baked a 3 pound 5 ounce rye bread to go with tonight's corned beef.


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Baked a 3 pound 5 ounce rye bread to go with tonight's corned beef.

Beautiful! Could you stick one of those in the mail for me? We have no bakeries/deli's where I can get a good rye. Makes a German girl very sad. Are Rye breads difficult? I'm a novice baker so rye seems like an intimidating project.
Breakfast for dinner.
Gonna make some flapjacks and grits :ermm:

Bacon and eggs! What did you think? :LOL:
Made tomorrow's planned dinner tonight: Italian sausage, baby peppers, onions and potatoes, all cut/cubed up and roasted in a hot oven. Was going to go for Day Two of leftovers until I heard tomorrow's high temp could reach 80! :ohmy: Not the kind of weather to run the oven at 450 degrees. From the looks of the pan we'll have more leftovers for tomorrow - unless Himself keeps taking "just a little more". :chef:
Spelunked some vintage broccoli cauliflower soup.

damn, your fridge or freezer must be cold...

and deep - (sorry, paraphrasing a guy joke)

i slept late, so dw went out of her way and opened a bag of salad, a jar of sauce, and boiled some pasta. enough for her and my boy, and a forkful or two for when i got up. :ermm:

then she complained that "my" downstairs kitchen needed to be cleaned, and i hadn't finished cleaning "my"downstairs bathroom. grrrr.

so i'm hoping to pilfer something from the overnight "up to the minute" news catering table tonight.

if not, i'm gonna hit up a 24 hour diner or puzza joint. maybe a reuben and fries maybe chicken parm and pasta.
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damn, your fridge or freezer must be cold...

and deep - (sorry, paraphrasing a guy joke)

i slept late, so dw went out of her way and opened a bag of salad, a jar of sauce, and boiled some pasta. enough for her and my boy, and a forkful or two for when i got up. :ermm:

then she complained that "my" downstairs kitchen needed to be cleaned, and i hadn't finished cleaning "my"downstairs bathroom. grrrr.

so i'm hoping to pilfer something from the overnight "up to the minute" news catering table tonight.

if not, i'm gonna hit up a 24 hour diner or puzza joint. maybe a reuben and fries maybe chicken parm and pasta.
Before or after work you might check out Murray's.

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