I lost a dear friend last night

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Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy , Pac. Congratulations.

a) did you pick up a nylon/ all weather cover for her. I highly recommend one of these, even if she's sitting on the porch.

b) everytime we go to the Sears or Home Depot or some-such, I 'bout give myself whip-lash when my neck swivels in the direction of the grilling dept. Then my feet lead me over there, until I am reminded we didn't come in to look at grills today. Sigh Drool. That's probably why they have one of those Caution /Yellow / Wet Floor triangle signs permanently planted in that aisle.

c) spiders. eww. Poke under the porch w/ a broom where you expect to crawl. ugh. Wear a bee hat and some welding gloves. or something. :LOL:
Congrats Pac! Looks like a beauty, I bet you are gonna love her! The natural gas is a real convenience (no more running out of propane at just the wrong moment) We have two areas on our deck that are plumbed for our Jenn Air grill which looks a lot like your new gal! Hope you have many happy grilling years!
a) did you pick up a nylon/ all weather cover for her. I highly recommend one of these, even if she's sitting on the porch.

That's a good idea. My other grill was really gunky between the cooking residue, dust and dog hair :ermm: Of course, that was only on the outside :rolleyes:

Thanks Somebunny. The natural gas will be a big convenience for sure.
...It's an S330 Genesis. It has the SS grates and aluminum box.
That's the one I have. Excellent choice, Pac! You won't regret it. As for staying shiny, about once a month I clean up external residue and such with a light detergent solution - it still looks good as new.

I also highly recommend picking up the Weber nylon cover (available on Amazon, and other online retailers) to help protect it from the elements.
Thanks guys.
And the cover will make a good birthday/Christmas suggestion.

I am 8'-4" closer to getting it piped in. As usual, my project is growing branches. I am so close to my electric dryer with the new line that I decided to replace an el with a tee in case I want to get a gas dryer in the future. So I am on standby waiting to shoot back down to the hardware store for a tee and a plug.
The outside access is removed to the crawlspace and I just might be able to work it under the crawlspace from the access rather than crawling under. I'm pretty happy about that. What I'm not happy with is there's a ground bee's nest just a few feet away under a bush. I can't see the hole to dust them, but if I don't move they settle back down. I swear my house is a bee/hornet magnet.
Wow, that's too bad, Bakechef. Such a short life. And at first glance they seem really well made. I almost impulse purchased the one I saw I liked it so much. I'm glad I read the reviews and your words just enforced that.

So instead I impulse purchased this one. Take a good look. This is the last time she will be this clean :chef:
View attachment 18400

I already reconfigured the gas lines in my basement and started another line to feed her. Tomorrow I should be able to get it through the block wall, under the porch crawlspace (spiders, eww :ermm:) and up through the deck.
And then it's trying to decide what to cook on her first. Maybe a hot dog :rolleyes:
Oh how quickly we forget those who have gone before...

She needs a name. I vote for Big Bertha! :angel:
Thanks guys.
And the cover will make a good birthday/Christmas suggestion.

I am 8'-4" closer to getting it piped in. As usual, my project is growing branches. I am so close to my electric dryer with the new line that I decided to replace an el with a tee in case I want to get a gas dryer in the future. So I am on standby waiting to shoot back down to the hardware store for a tee and a plug.
The outside access is removed to the crawlspace and I just might be able to work it under the crawlspace from the access rather than crawling under. I'm pretty happy about that. What I'm not happy with is there's a ground bee's nest just a few feet away under a bush. I can't see the hole to dust them, but if I don't move they settle back down. I swear my house is a bee/hornet magnet.

Get yourself a bee keepers smoke pot. It puts them to sleep. :angel:
Thanks guys.
And the cover will make a good birthday/Christmas suggestion.

I am 8'-4" closer to getting it piped in. As usual, my project is growing branches. I am so close to my electric dryer with the new line that I decided to replace an el with a tee in case I want to get a gas dryer in the future. So I am on standby waiting to shoot back down to the hardware store for a tee and a plug.
The outside access is removed to the crawlspace and I just might be able to work it under the crawlspace from the access rather than crawling under. I'm pretty happy about that. What I'm not happy with is there's a ground bee's nest just a few feet away under a bush. I can't see the hole to dust them, but if I don't move they settle back down. I swear my house is a bee/hornet magnet.

Distractions, distractions...:rolleyes:


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It performed flawlessly for my dinner last night, but there is the usual learning curve.
I used the side burner to steam and sauté my snap peas and the low doesn't go low enough to hold them at warm. I imagine that's a safety feature. If it adjusted too low the wind could blow out the flame. I moved my pot to the warming rack and all was fine.
And there's a lot of space in-between the burners like I mentioned earlier. I used to cook my baked potatoes by laying them in-between two lit burners, but they were still pretty much over the flames from each burner. That was hot enough to color up the skin on the potato. Not so with this grill. The spud needs to be closer to a flame. On the plus side though, these burners burn so my hotter than my last grill that I can use one burner to do the job instead of two. Laying an ear of corn across two burners is out of the question, too, but again, one burner works just fine, I just need to angle the corn differently. This is all without using the searing burner. I could probably use the sear burner in conjunction with a burner next to it and run them on low so it's not too hot for the corn.
The real test will be chicken pieces like wings or thighs. The two outside burners might be too far apart for indirect cooking like I am used to. Two of the regular burners would work, but not for many pieces unless they were all in one line front to back. I might end up using that sear burner for much more than just searing.
So like anything, there's a period of learning to adapt.
I vote for Marilyn, some like it hot! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

Good one AB. The reason I chose Big Bertha was because there was a cannon that was enormous and could do some serious damage. It was called Big Bertha by the Allies. When I saw the picture of it, that was the first thing that came to mind. That grill could do some serious damage to a lot of food in the future. Good Damage! :angel:
The real test will be chicken pieces like wings or thighs. The two outside burners might be too far apart for indirect cooking like I am used to. Two of the regular burners would work, but not for many pieces unless they were all in one line front to back. I might end up using that sear burner for much more than just searing.
So like anything, there's a period of learning to adapt.
Pac, when doing indirect cooking, I usually light one or both of the regular burners on the left (depending on the temperature needed) and put the food I'm cooking on the right-side grate. When cooking something like chicken and pork, I'll start it over the flame to get a sear and grill marks and then move it to the indirect side to finish cooking the inside. Just a suggestion.

It does make some nice grill marks...

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Oh no, that will never work. I'm bi-symmetric. There's no way I could have only half my grill lit. I don't even like the thought of using the second and fourth burners :LOL:

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