Tomato Expert Needed

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Planted 48 tomato plants here in west central Illinois. I haven't even gotten one big enough to slice. My Romanos are the size of grape tomatoes, only gotten 7 or 8. My beefsteak are the size of golf balls and have only gotten 4 ripe ones. Last year I was over-run with tomatoes. Couldn't even make one BLT. Bummer.
Planted 48 tomato plants here in west central Illinois. I haven't even gotten one big enough to slice. My Romanos are the size of grape tomatoes, only gotten 7 or 8. My beefsteak are the size of golf balls and have only gotten 4 ripe ones. Last year I was over-run with tomatoes. Couldn't even make one BLT. Bummer.
We have had the same type of experience this year. Our plants are all foliage and much less fruit than last year. We were told by someone who purports to know that it was because DH worked manure into the soil.
Joesfolk, too much fertility can indeed make for gorgeous plants with no fruit. The key is to fertilize AFTER the plant begins to set fruit. Let them go hungry til they start to produce.
Our plants stayed stunted and pitiful. Foliage was at a minimum. Our whole garden was horrid. Didn't/couldn't can a blessed thing. Green beans were producing quite well, but even my cabbage has yet to get a head. This fall we are tilling in 2 good sized (4x4x4) compost bins of nice 2 yr old rotted compost. Nice stuff! Hope it helps.
In particular, too much nitrogen promotes foliage growth and inhibits fruit growth. So look for a fertilizer with a low first number for veggies.
You will see by the photo below that I have some tomatoes that suddenly stopped growing and just remained green. (the two on the right of the red ones) :( Would anyone know the cause of this. I used Miracle Gro Premium potting mix which has fertilizer, watered regularly.
This has me stumped.


Our tomatoes are the same because of the whacky weather we've had this year.

I am amazed at the view from your garden. This must be a roof top patio or something similar.

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