What is your weather like right now?

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Lovely weather here! Sunny and warm, 70F/21C. Was sweeping the garage and had to come in and change into a Tshirt and cut-offs. :)
I guess the wind we have now is the cold weather arriving. It's currently -12°C (10°F) going down to -19°C (-2°F) overnight. And yes, there is blowing snow.
6F, calm, nice crescent moon with stars, no more snow than what we had last night. They are calling for a foot by Tuesday though.
We lease a small cafe inside of gym & are looking for some short, 1 line sign slogans to make banners throughout the building. Any comments or suggestions would be welcome.
The name of our cafe is "Simon's Cafe & Catering"

"Come To The Café My Friend! :angel:
I've been frustrated. Night temps have been well below 0 for days on end. I live in an old house, and the bathroom and kitchen cannot keep up. Since I'm the insomniac, I just sleep on the couch and run the water, and on some days (-20 and lower), boil water in the kitchen and run a load of laundry and just run hot water. I should move this to another line, but my mom is sick and I feel helpless, but I didn't like living in Florida, and my husband hated it (it was HIS idea)I have a lot of sibs and other relatives, so I'm not seriously concerned in that regard, but at this time of year, we couldn't leave w/o hiring someone to drain our pipes. So far, though, no one has asked me to go to Florida. Because all I do right now is run the water, stay awake all night, and drowse off and on all day. I'm usually somewhat of an exercise fanatic, but if you stay awake all night, you aren't quite ready to go to the gym in the morning .... or afternoon .... or evening. You have all you can to to take a glass of wine, sleep on and off all day, and manage to get some kind of meal on the table once or twice a day!
The sun is trying to come out in the overcast sky. It's been starting to snow, off & on. Temperatures are expected to drop. In the 20's now. High of 5 below predicted for the morning.
For the first time in what seems like months, it's up to 40°F, and windy. Clouding up now.
-17°C (1°F) and starting to cloud over. We're expecting flurries over night and tomorrow. The temperature is going up tonight to a high of -6°C (21°F) tomorrow.
I'm almost afraid to make this post for fear I'll jinx it so I'll whisper........
it's raining. :clap:

We haven't had a drop of rain in who knows how long so it's just a drop in the bucket, but it's something. This California drought is really scary so we're all crossing our fingers for a good steady steady rain. I just put a pot of soup on....whoo hoooo.
I'm almost afraid to make this post for fear I'll jinx it so I'll whisper........
it's raining. :clap:

We haven't had a drop of rain in who knows how long so it's just a drop in the bucket, but it's something. This California drought is really scary so we're all crossing our fingers for a good steady steady rain. I just put a pot of soup on....whoo hoooo.

Yay!! Love a good rain, hope it continues for you, Kayelle!
Huh. It's snowing sideways, and the temp has dropped significantly. There's already talk on the news about more school closings tomorrow due to low visibility and wind chill.
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