Et Tu Brute! Sunday Dinner 3/16/14

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I have some chop suey veggies, some bok choy and green onions, I think I'm going to cheat with some ramen noodles and diced ham. I've been on a noodle binge lately.
I had four test patties of homemade sausage (okay, the last one I did as a sausage-egg-cheese sandwich on a homemade bagel I found in the freezer). It was a lot better than anything you could get at drive-thru.
Oh my, powerplantop - does that ever look good! :yum:

And with all this chili talk going on, I may have to make up a batch before it gets so hot outside that I won't want it. I love chili! Mine is never the same twice, either. :)
Grilled ribeye and a salad this afternoon. :yum: Perfect weather for grilling - 82F, blue sky, and not a breath of wind.

I'm still stuffed, but that won't stop me from having a bowl of ice cream here in a bit. :ermm: :pig: :LOL:


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Cheryl, your steak looks perfect!

Chili con carne...
MC, you'll be safe as long as you don't try to make it like that if you ever visit Texas! I'll use ground turkey instead of ground beef if it's cheaper; I use tomatoes; I also use canned beans that already have the seasonings in them. I never make chili, I just fix it. ;)

Neither of us felt like either eating or cooking. We finished up bits and dabs of the leftovers, then later baked a couple spring rolls from the freezer. Even later Himself fixed some crudites so he could finish off one of the tubs of dip I made the other day while I spooned up Smucker's PB and slathered it on Ritz crackers.
Thank you, all! :) I couldn't possibly finish it all, that bad boy was 2" thick and over a pound and a half. Getting ready to slice the rest of it up, gently warm it, and fry up a couple of eggs. :yum:

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