Tuesday, 10/27/15, what's for dinner?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Hopefully we'll feel like cooking tonight. Mushroom risotto with truffles and parm crisps. I'll use whatever truffle is left to make truffle butter and/or oil. Chocolate meringue pie for dessert. Crust is ready to bake. Filling is made and cooling in fridge.
Leftover Jambalaya.
Cooking 2 half pork roasts different ways for later in the week.
One is a Mexican pork roast to make Chimichanga with.
Reason for 2. It wouldn't fit whole in a crockpot. So we have dueling crockpots.
Also going to make some coleslaw dressing in a few minutes for later in the week.
I'm having the remaining beef casserole but with the potatoes done in a style that I really enjoy. Yesterday's baked potato is sliced, drizzled with melted butter and put under a low grill to heat up and crisp. Result is reminiscent of hot pot potatoes. :yum:
Today I am making buried treasure. Country style boneless pork ribs, cut in halves and browned, then put in layers of baked beans and slow baked. A new pan of corn bread, even though I made this last week too. I like corn bread.
It is going to awfully similar to last nights supper. Beef vegetable soup and a grilled sandwich. One thing that worked unexpectedly well was to add a large dollop of freshly made mashed potatoes to the soup. I cooked and mashed up the gouged potatoes I injured while digging yesterday. It could have been the copious amount of butter and sour cream, but both of us were fishing for a spoonful of the spuds when eating the soup.

We had Linner, late Lunch/early Dinner
South Philly style Cheesesteak, wit, added on some Broccoli Rabe,
I always wanted to try that. Meh. I asked for it on the side so that if I didn't care for it on the sandwich, at least I could eat my greens, they were done just right.
It's the roll that really makes the sandwich, Amoroso rolls flown in frozen from Philadelphia.
I brought home a dozen foot long rolls for the deep freeze.
Can you say Meatball Sandwich with sharp Provolone cheese?
MMM :yum:
Country style boneless pork ribs, cut in halves and browned, then put in layers of baked beans and slow baked. A new pan of corn bread.

I think this dinner needs something alongside, so I hiked up to the store while the casserole is still in the oven and bought a green cabbage for
coleslaw. I have a new jar of horseraddish, think I will put a small amount of that in the dressing. I might skip the cornbread today.

Andy, who's Jeff barley?
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..Jeff Barley... :LOL:

I was in the mood for a big salad, so got the cutting board out and began chopping away. Romaine, celery, cucumber, carrots, red onion, chopped hard cooked eggs, and sliced beets. Everything chopped small enough for a bit of everything in one bite. :yum: Marie's ranch dressing, cracked black pepper and seasoned croutons to top.
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Today was chilly and rainy, so comfort food was in order.

Beef stew, homemade biscuits, and pumpkin, chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

Having fun using my new electric pressure cooker!
I made chicken stir-fry with bell peppers and onions over rice with cucumber salad on the side.


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Great sounding and looking dinners everyone!

Cheryl, I adore a true chopped salad like that, where everything is little and it's best to eat it with a big spoon! Perfection! Have you ever thought of adding chopped rare tri tip from your freezer? Yumm..

We had grilled tri tip tonight with more details on Ross's thread about tri tip. SC had toaster oven Tater Tots, and we both had glorified salads.
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Kay, that's exactly how I ate that salad - with a spoon! :LOL: I would've put some tri
tip on it, but didn't think about it until I already started making the salad. :ermm::)

Restaurant salads usually have such big pieces of veggies. I don't want pieces of romaine 6 inches long and big thick cucumber slices. lol
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Date night at McKibbens Irish Pub. Stirling had fish and chips and I had "dynamite shrimp". They were pretty good.
Went to run a couple errands and didn't get home for five :ohmy: hours! The happy ending to this story is that I finally found a comfortable pair of shoes. So far. I'll be test driving those puppies on my dogs inside the house for the next couple of days.

Meanwhile, we ended up with breakfast for supper. Apple chicken sausages and shredded hash browns from the freezer; eggs and cheese from the fridge. Yummy in our tummies in under a half-hour.


...Jeff barley soup...

Jeff Barley is John Barleycorn's cousin. :LOL:...
Here I figured you had a special soup recipe that was heavy on whiskey. I mean, there IS Guinness French Onion soup...


...Restaurant salads usually have such big pieces of veggies. I don't want pieces of romaine 6 inches long and big thick cucumber slices. lol
Which is why I usually take the knife to my salad before I even pour the dressing on.

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