Random Photo Thread: The Sequel

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My picture seems really mundane after all those beautiful photo's. Thanks so much for sharing them.
I just wanted to share our new furniture for our little TV/Office room. We love the new electric reclining love seat and faux mink fur pillows. The Souschef just put together the little magazine rack with table top and lamp all in one. The photo of Venice is a treasure from our first trip. Ready to watch TV!


Kayelle, there is nothing mundane about that great seat! I could easily take a nap nestled right down in it. :angel:
You get the most awesome skies out therel!! Yep, we're all predicted with a real frog drowner tomorrow, and my rain gauge is all ready to go. Do you have one Cheryl?

Fingers are crossed and a prayer sent on its way for that rain to fall and enough of it to make a difference. :angel:
You get the most awesome skies out therel!! Yep, we're all predicted with a real frog drowner tomorrow, and my rain gauge is all ready to go. Do you have one Cheryl?

"frog drowner" :LOL: Yep, we're supposed to get a gullywasher here tomorrow, too. We'll see if the weather report is correct. Last week we got a big rainstorm, and it wasn't even predicted for this area. :ermm: I don't have a rain gauge, but I know you have one and that you and the SC enjoy tracking the amounts of rain. I should get one.
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"frog drowner" :LOL: Yep, we're supposed to get a gullywasher here tomorrow, too. We'll see if the weather report is correct. Last week we got a big rainstorm, and it wasn't even predicted for this area. :ermm: I don't have a rain gauge, but I know you have one and that you and the SC enjoy tracking the amounts of rain. I should get one.

You can have your gullywasher, just keep it on your side of the Divide. Here we are having a Great Plains Blizzard from the remnants of your gullywasher. My wife is supposed to be flying into Denver from LA after a 2 week trip to Thailand, and I have to drive 100 miles this evening through the storm to meet her if the flight isn't cancelled. Pray for me! :innocent:
You can have your gullywasher, just keep it on your side of the Divide. Here we are having a Great Plains Blizzard from the remnants of your gullywasher. My wife is supposed to be flying into Denver from LA after a 2 week trip to Thailand, and I have to drive 100 miles this evening through the storm to meet her if the flight isn't cancelled. Pray for me! :innocent:

You're probably already on your way Rick, and may not see this - sending best wishes across the miles to you and your wife for a safe travel. Please check in here when you get home. :)
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This is my first time attempting to upload a photo on this site so I hope it works. This is me after shoveling two feet of snow a week ago!


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You look like you're "happy smiling" after shoveling all that snow, NYBrit. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't look as happy. You would think by now I'd be use to snow up the ying-yang, too, after our snow dumps of last winter. It's your turn. ;)
You look like you're "happy smiling" after shoveling all that snow, NYBrit. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't look as happy. You would think by now I'd be use to snow up the ying-yang, too, after our snow dumps of last winter. It's your turn. ;)

LOL> I think I was happy because for the first time I was able to shovel the snow without getting out of breath or having palpitations. I went on a health journey in 2015, losing over 30 lbs and I started running. I'm definitely much fitter than I used to be and it really showed when it came to clearing away the snow.
I noticed you mentioned those accomplishments in a different thread. Congrats to you! It isn't easy, getting healthy. Keep up the good work, and welcome back to DC.
I noticed you mentioned those accomplishments in a different thread. Congrats to you! It isn't easy, getting healthy. Keep up the good work, and welcome back to DC.

Thank you. I'll be haunting the healthy food forums from now on getting ideas.
Getting healthy is not the easiest thing but it's definitely much easier when you see dramatic results.
Went to bed about 4-ish this morning - no snow. Got up around 11 - this is what greeted me! There is about a foot's worth on the round table (there really is an iron mesh table under there) and birds all over the feeders, ground, and trees. That puffball to the left of the male cardinal in the tree in the distance is a mourning dove. I've never seen one that fluffy!


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