ISO Sous-Vide Time & Temp Chart

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I was reading back awhiles ago on DC about times & temps for Sous-Vide, depending upon the type of protein and the thickness of said meat.

Someone, I can't recall who, posted a comment within one of the threads about this laminated card that you held up to the meat and it gave several different choices, ie., frozen, refrigerated, etc.

I've been searching for the past hour and just can't find that!
I could have sworn that I bookmarked that chart, but NOPE!

Timing ruler

I was reading back awhiles ago on DC about times & temps for Sous-Vide, depending upon the type of protein and the thickness of said meat.

Someone, I can't recall who, posted a comment within one of the threads about this laminated card that you held up to the meat and it gave several different choices, ie., frozen, refrigerated, etc.

I've been searching for the past hour and just can't find that!
I could have sworn that I bookmarked that chart, but NOPE!

Hi Kgirl, here you go. This is the one we use

The major SV circulator makers have apps for your phone/tablet that have detailed photos, times and temperatures for cooking all kinds of foods. They are all you should need.

I have an Anova SV and I use the Anova app as well as the Joule app for cooking parameters.
Hi Kgirl, here you go. This is the one we use


Book marked for Santa ;)
Mahalo SC!

The major SV circulator makers have apps for your phone/tablet that have detailed photos, times and temperatures for cooking all kinds of foods. They are all you should need.

I have an Anova SV and I use the Anova app as well as the Joule app for cooking parameters.

Good to know Andy!
I may look for some Sous-Vide sites too.
I was reading back awhiles ago on DC about times & temps for Sous-Vide, depending upon the type of protein and the thickness of said meat.

Someone, I can't recall who, posted a comment within one of the threads about this laminated card that you held up to the meat and it gave several different choices, ie., frozen, refrigerated, etc.

I've been searching for the past hour and just can't find that!
I could have sworn that I bookmarked that chart, but NOPE!

I got mine from "Amazing Food (Made Easy)
The major SV circulator makers have apps for your phone/tablet that have detailed photos, times and temperatures for cooking all kinds of foods. They are all you should need.

I have an Anova SV and I use the Anova app as well as the Joule app for cooking parameters.

Hello Andy. Well I finally bought a circulator. I got the Anova Nano. I hope I got the right one. The price was pretty good so I pulled the trigger.
It arrived yesterday and I tried it out with just water and its so simple to use. I especially like the bluetooth capability.

I understand most everything I need to know to use it. But cooking time is my issue. I see it has a timer and in the instructions it says it will alert when the cooking is done. But thats means it alerts when the timer has run out.

Lets say I have a steak and set the circulator to 124°. The directions say one hour. What happens if I leave it for 2 hours? Can it over cook or will it hold at 120°?
The reason I ask is on Cooks Country they did a prime rib. She said to cook it for at least 16 hours up to 24 hours. So it seems it will stay at the target temp for as long as you want?
Thanks Andy.
Oh....I used a Cambro 8 quart container for the test yesterday. Its clearly to small for most things I will cook in it. Fine for steaks and chops and similar.
I'm thinking to get another Cambro that stacks with the ones I have at 16 quarts.
Or get a dedicated container for sous vide? They are more rectangle shaped so bigger cuts of meat will fit into it.
Any thoughts on containers and size of containers?
I have an Anova Nano too. It does all you need a circulator to do. Happy cooking.

When you set the circulator to 124ºF and the timer for 1 hour, the steak will be done. One of the advantages of the SV is that it will continue to run at the same temp until you shut it off, keeping the food ready to go without over cooking it. So don't be concerned about running over on time.

When cooking a roast, extended times like 18-24 hours will serve to break down the connectivity tissues and muscle fibers tenderizing tougher cuts of meat. If you leave a roast in the SV for too long, it will become over tender and mushy. I did that with a bottom round roast on my first try and it was certainly tender and tasty. However, it was too fall apart soft for me.

I use the Anova app and also the Joule app. Someone recommended it as being more thorough.
Thanks Andy.

I did NY strip steaks SV last night. Came out perfect. See the photo in the daily dinner thread.

SO likes her steak medium while I like mine more rare. So I cooked her steak at 133ºF for 2 hours then dropped the water bath temp to 122ºF for my steak and left hers in the bath to keep warm. Then I seared them both on a chimney of charcoal.
I did NY strip steaks SV last night. Came out perfect. See the photo in the daily dinner thread.

SO likes her steak medium while I like mine more rare. So I cooked her steak at 133ºF for 2 hours then dropped the water bath temp to 122ºF for my steak and left hers in the bath to keep warm. Then I seared them both on a chimney of charcoal.

How long did your steak take and how thick was it. Thanks Andy.

I know a lot of professionals rely on this guy

Thank you. I have book marked it.
Did you bring them to room temp first? Or direct from the fridge?

Direct from the fridge. You shouldn't think of SV like you do with other cooking methods. Some of the rules don't apply. If you SV a steak to 122ºF, it will reach 122º and stay there for the entire cooking time and beyond. You can't screw up and overcook it unless you change the temperature. You can cook from frozen if you want. It will just take longer.
Direct from the fridge. You shouldn't think of SV like you do with other cooking methods. Some of the rules don't apply. If you SV a steak to 122ºF, it will reach 122º and stay there for the entire cooking time and beyond. You can't screw up and overcook it unless you change the temperature. You can cook from frozen if you want. It will just take longer.

Thanks Andy. Now to pick something to cook for the first time. ;)

Oh...are you seasoning before the bath or after?
You can do either or both. If there is a specific seasoning you want to use, you can add it to the food before sealing cooking.

The most dramatic improvement in a food when cooked in SV vs. traditional methods is chicken breast. Cook it at 147ºF for an hour and a half or two. You will have a tasty juicy breast like you've never tasted before.
When sous vide cooking from frozen, how does one know how much extra time to give it?

I use the Joule app. It gives times for fresh and frozen. The app is more comprehensive than the app that goes with my Anova Nan.
Well I finally used my circulator. Lamb chops. I put a sprig of rosemary and thyme along with S&P and a pinch of granulated garlic on the chops.
2.5 hours in the bath.

Set up my chimney starter 1/2 full with hard wood charcoal. I found a grate that fits the chimney perfectly. Its designed to go on it.
Wow, what a searing platform! So hot it took seconds not minutes.
Seared both and my wifes a bit more and we had perfect lamb chops.

I am now ready to try many more ideas. Its easy and it works great.
Thanks everyone for the help.
Andy I will check out the Joule app.

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