Soaking dried chickpeas over night

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I do at room temperature which can easily be over 30 oC (86 F)
No issues :)
I have forgotten them at times and the water was a little foamy (after like 15-20 hrs or so). Just replace water and all is fine
Today my refrigerator is warmer than the house (fridge 54 ... house drafty/some spots 40's & some drafts -36). Looks like New York is getting rain @ room temperature!
yes! I let them soak at room temperatures always. Spring, fall, summer, winter.
But tonight I had to laugh, it's so cold now and the gas company asked us to turn our thermometer on the furnace to 60 deg F. It's so cold!

Consider this. Many people ferment their grains and beans and why not, it makes them softer and brings out new nutrients. Many people sprout these beans at room temperature (whatever room temperature might be), so, room temperature is good for fermenting, sprouting, and soaking.
yes! I let them soak at room temperatures always. Spring, fall, summer, winter.
But tonight I had to laugh, it's so cold now and the gas company asked us to turn our thermometer on the furnace to 60 deg F. It's so cold!

Consider this. Many people ferment their grains and beans and why not, it makes them softer and brings out new nutrients. Many people sprout these beans at room temperature (whatever room temperature might be), so, room temperature is good for fermenting, sprouting, and soaking.
I thought about this, after I posted - that in southern India, especially, they actually ferment rice and urad dal (mostly, but other things as well) to make their idlis and dosas, and they would probably have to refrigerate things to prevent fermentation, at their temperatures! I use the lower temperature in the yogurt mode in my Instant Pot - what they set up for jui niang (fermented glutinous rice) - to do this, at about 90-92° overnight.
I have always soaked beans at room temperature. But, recently, I see instructions for soaking beans all seem to say to do it in the fridge. I think a lot of people are being over-cautious. Maybe, they are just trying to avoid possible lawsuits.
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