Tips for using your microwave

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Maybe husking the corn and wrapping it in a wet paper towel would be a good compromise when only cooking one or two ears.
But why even go to the bother of husking, wrapping, zapping, unwrapping. When adding a tad of water at the top, zapping and husking is, to my mind, sooo much faster, and less clean up IMHO.
the silk stays inside the husk and doesn't fly/stick/get everywhere!
Our Kroger had some of the loveliest fresh local corn and I couldn't resist so...

I cut off a little of each end and removed a tiny bit of each husk. Put the ears into the microwave and cooked on HIGH for about 3 minutes per ear. Holy cow! Steamed to perfection and I will be doing this from now on.

No fuss, no muss, no bother
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