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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Couples of my kids go to Karate after school. They get home, eat something and off they go. Usually my wife is at home and she is the one who feeds them. Normally it is pizza. I don’t mind pizza ones a week, but twice is already too much for me. She needs to feed them something fast, because of time constrain. But first of all there are two more kids who are not in a hurry and second of all I just think pizza is junk food.

Anyway, what can we feed them, what can be made ahead of time and easily wormed up, or made on a spot? Please let me know what you think.
I don't have that problem Charlie but Roxy has been posting recipes. Maybe she has some ideas - hers are generally not complicated and look fast and good. Give her a shout! :)
Hearty soups, stews and pasta dishes come to mind. Soups and stews can stay warm on the stove and everyone can help themselves, along with some sliced good bread and butter. For pasta dishes, I'm thinking something like baked ziti with tomato sauce, Italian sausage or ground beef, and sauteed peppers and onions, topped with parmesan or mozzarella. This can be easily reheated in the microwave or on the stove. Or a stir-fry with the rice mixed in. HTH.
Hi Charlie, I have two boys (7 and 10) and they are always starving when they come home. I dont stock up cookies, chips or any other junk in my pantry so here is what I give them.

Hummus with baked corn chips (for a simple yet filling and nutrious snack)
Baby Bell Cheese
I also make noodles (whole wheat spaghetti broken into small peices) and cooked and then tossed with veggies like carrots, bell peppers and broccoli and some teriyaki glaze and then toss in some scallion. I make them ahead of time and just microwave them and give them a bowl. My kids seem to like these flavors
I also like to make some type of healthy filling that can quickly go inside a tortilla. I make chicken ahead of time and then keep shredded cheese on hand. I wrap it all in a tortilla or make a quesidilla and feed them that.
I always cut a lot of fruit and keep it ready for them and when they are hungry they will chow it down and it makes for a nice side snack
Grilled Cheese and PBJ's are another popular choice
I also buy artisan breads (flavored ones like roasted garlice or rosemary etc.) and I will sometimes toast them and slightly butter them or give them some olive oil seasoned with salt and pepper to dip and eat. They seem to love it
Boiled Eggs or Egg Salad (I don't like to use a lot of mayo but some light mayo and a lot of fresh herbs) another one of those choices
My kids also love cereal so if nothing they will eat big bowl of that
Oh and I forgot one more thing. My kids always have a tall glass of milk (plain) waiting for them with their snack. This also helps fill them up and is good for them. I don't give them milk at bedtime because I am afraid of accidents :)
For the kids going to Karate, you don’t want to feed them a lot before class! There is nothing worse than trying to perform a kata or spar with a full stomach! Save the big meal for after class.

Before Karate class, go with something small but high in carbs. One of my favorite snacks before Karate class was always a milk shake made with milk, a banana, some strawberries, and a little sugar. Blend till smooth and drink it down. The simple sugars in that shake are easily accessed and give you an amazing burst of energy that will get you through a grueling 1 hour karate class!
Don't have any kids but do like quick and easy. Baked potatoes in their jackets are so quick and easy in the microwave - just liberally prick the skin and zap on one side before turning over. You can top with whatever you or your kids like - basic cheese; bacon, mushroom and pineapple; baked beans; pate; tuna; side serve of ham. Kids can also experiment with their own toppings and can then contribute to the cooking process. If the kids are really little, you might like to do something more like a filled gratin of potato. I like mine filled with canned and drained tuna with a bit of grated cheese and nacho sauce, but butter beans and tomato are good too.

Another quickie is savoury mince in lettuce rolls but that depends on your kids attitude to lettuce. When we were kids, my mum used to make up "picnic meals" for us which had a handful of sultanas, some cut up apple and cheese and a slice of bread and Vegemite cut into quarters. Always a happy meal! Don't know what you can substitute for Vegemite which is packed full of vitamin B and is low fat and sugar (if any).

Pizzas can be really healthy though - it all depends on what you put on them.
Couples of my kids go to Karate after school. They get home, eat something and off they go. Usually my wife is at home and she is the one who feeds them. Normally it is pizza. I don’t mind pizza ones a week, but twice is already too much for me. She needs to feed them something fast, because of time constrain. But first of all there are two more kids who are not in a hurry and second of all I just think pizza is junk food.

Anyway, what can we feed them, what can be made ahead of time and easily wormed up, or made on a spot? Please let me know what you think.

Macaroni and Cheese (& fish sticks).

Meatball subs - add cheese and tomato sauce. Chips or potato salad, fruit salad.

Tacos - Make ground beef mixture ahead, put in a ziplock, then reheat in the microwave.

Sloppy Joes - make the ground beef mixture ahead, put in a ziplock and reheat the filling. Serve on hamburger buns.

Sloppy Toms - same as a sloppy joe - except made with ground turkey.

Soup and Sandwiches - Soup can be reheated - chicken noodle or tomato soup.
Sub/Hero sanwiches can be made ahead & healthy. Put all your fillings & toppings on a loaf of french or Italian bread and slice into individual portions, i.e. tuna, turkey or chicken breast, ham & cheese, salami, roast beef - and toppings of choice - lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, mustard, sliced olives - whatever you like. Egg or chicken salad sandwiches can be made ahead. Devilled eggs & soup.

Soup & grilled cheese sandwiches. Save time & make the sandwiches in a toaster oven. Add some baked chips on the side - or potato salad.

I'm not crazy abouit Subway, but they are running a special now - 3 foot long subs for $12.99. If you pick healthy fillings like tuna, turkey & toppings like lettuce & tomatoes on their whole wheat rolls - they are pretty good.
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It seems as though I am busy running my daughter to activities every night. It is difficult when she has soccer from 5:45 - 7:15. She can't eat dinner before practice or she will get ill so she has fruit, bagel or yogurt before practice. After practice, she will have some cheese and crackers while I get dinner ready. Often times we don't eat dinner until 8 p.m.

Anyway, could you make some entrees over the weekend and heat them up on the busy nights? For instance, you could make lasagna and either freeze it or put it in the refrigerator. Some other options would be nachos (I make mine with ground turkey) or stiry fry's which would be quick.

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