Dinner Thursday January 17

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Well, I was up half the night making the extra roses for my Saturday cake order and up early to get the topper cake layers in the oven. Today will be getting all the decorations finished and tomorrow the decorating so I am basically out of commission for dinner.

Today's menu was supposed to be my homemade fish and chips (what was I thinking!) but DH just informed me that he and the guys will be doing dinner tonight! I am hovering between relief and fear at the moment!:LOL:
Tonight will be sweet-and-sour pineapple shrimp stir-fry over rice. Probably the last of the mini mint Hershey kisses cupcakes for dessert. Man, they are yummy!

After making 13 dozen assorted cupcakes this week I am not sure I would try this for awhile, but yours sound divine! Is the recipe posted anywhere by chance?
I also have chili on the stove!
We are out of furnace fuel and cannot get more til tomorrow, so I'm trying to bake / cook all day! So far I've kept the house at 72. :)
2 batches of cookies and some french bread. We'll see how far we drop after the chili's done and decide if I need to bake some more!
My Tuesday night dinner group has changed to Thursdays, and tonight we're going to a local Japanese restaurant. It's too cold to have sushi, so I think I'm going to have shrimp tempura. Can't wait :) I don't know what DH is having - he's on his own.
LP, do you mean the shrimp or the cupcakes? Either way, I'd have to send them to you via email or PM due to copyright issues.

Sorry if I confused you. It was the cupcakes and I don't want to cause a fuss with copyrights. If you have it typed out and want to send it by PM, that would be great, but don't go to any trouble. I have like a million recipes...they just sound sooooo good!
Sorry if I confused you. It was the cupcakes and I don't want to cause a fuss with copyrights. If you have it typed out and want to send it by PM, that would be great, but don't go to any trouble. I have like a million recipes...they just sound sooooo good!

They are wonderful, Laurie. I have the recipe typed in a Word file, so no problem getting it to you. The recipe directs you to use mini muffin papers, but I didn't have any, so I just folded some parchment paper and cut little circles for the bottom of my mini muffin pans, then sprayed with nonstick cooking spray with flour. They popped right out. No problem.

I'll PM the recipe to you in a few minutes. Enjoy!
2 homemade sweetcorn and mushroom Christmas turkey pies done in Filo pastry.

yeah I still have a kilo of turkey left over from Christmas, this will see the end of it now :)
chicken fajitas with pico de gallo, 1/2 fat creme fraiche (store doesn't sell low fat sour cream, sliced alvacado, and a little cheese.
I am thawing chicken breast for chicken parmesan tonight with linguini and sauteed zucchini. I may be a little light on the sauce, so I'll either run to the market this afternoon or scrap the whole idea and get take-out. (I guess buying a can of sauce is cheaper than buying take-out, so I'll probably do that)
I also have chili on the stove!
We are out of furnace fuel and cannot get more til tomorrow, so I'm trying to bake / cook all day! So far I've kept the house at 72. :)
2 batches of cookies and some french bread. We'll see how far we drop after the chili's done and decide if I need to bake some more!

I hope you guys stay warm! I don't think we could go too long without heat here, even with the stove on, it would get too cold at night. Good luck!
Baked pork chop and cabbage salad for today's dinner. I have marinated pork chops over night with my homemade seasoning (a mixture of chilli powder, salt and brown sugar:chef:). I will brush soy sauce / syrup on them before baking. For cabbage, try my best to do thinnly slice, simply mixing olive oil and balsamic vinegar, sprinkle some salt and pepper.
I hope you guys stay warm! I don't think we could go too long without heat here, even with the stove on, it would get too cold at night. Good luck!

Thanks! My husband says we can just run regular disel fuel thru it if needed so we will stop and get some after parent-teacher conferences tonight, to get thru the night. Delivery is scheduled for 8 am tomorrow. :)
Thank goodness for space heaters!
Since is up to 37' F, I am grilling marinated top sirloin, baked potatoes, portobellas, onions, and salad.
Sounds yummy Barb...No cooking for me tonight..Oldest son is taking us out for supper..Yippee...

Going to our favorite fish shack.

well sheeesh, I was going to post my dinner ideas but I'd rather just come to all of your houses. Gad, these meals sound good!

I'm just waiten on the Sears delivery service to get the new frig here for me.
But, dinner is decided upon. I didn't say it's going or even started, it's not. I will wait until the frig gets here and then go to town or maybe I'll just start the lemon cake, yea, I can do that.

I received the cookbook/magazine last week from is it Kraft? I get one every 3 months and just love them. Never toss 'em cause they're good enough to keep around. Anyway, in there is a lemon cake that you add [on top of the batter] lemon pudding and pie filling with extra lemon zest and lemon juice in there. The cake rises and the pudding goes to the bottom, DH should adore it as he adores anything lemon. Me, not so much, much prefer chocolate.
Dinner is from there too. It's pork chops, quickly cooked on both side, then you take Stove Topper stuffing, make it, combine it with whole cranberry sauce and bbq sauce, mix together, put atop of the pork chops and bake. Sounds yummy to me. I bought all the ingreds today. We'll also have brocciflower steamed with butter and avocado slices over tomatoe slices. Dinner will be good I hope.

Y'all have a great Thursday..........
spag and meat sauce. leftover chocolate cake.

Lefseiover, that lemon cake sounds good. I used to get that magazine but haven't in a while. Care to share the recipe? Thanks.

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