Dinner for Friday April 25th?

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We finished up the beef stew from last night, and DW made the pineapple upside down cake for me as I wasn't feeling well enough to cook or do anything tonight.
Grilled a boneless leg of lamb, made greek style roast potatoes, greek salad and naan on the grill. Some good Cadbury chocolates for dessert. Oh and we had a gret bottle of red wine, the brand is calld Old Blue Eyes, it was Australian.
Like I said, simple. It went perfect with my relaxing evening.
The brats "neat". Nothing but a little spiced mustard and some roasted garlic on the roll.
And the rest, frozen raviolis with jar sauce and fries with steak seasoning and drowned in ranch dressing :)


  • Johnsonville brats.jpg
    Johnsonville brats.jpg
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    the rest of dinner.jpg
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Like I said, simple. It went perfect with my relaxing evening.
The brats "neat". Nothing but a little spiced mustard and some roasted garlic on the roll.
And the rest, frozen raviolis with jar sauce and fries with steak seasoning and drowned in ranch dressing :)
are you toying with my hunger pangs her:LOL:e pacanis
are you toying with my hunger pangs her:LOL:e pacanis

noooooo :angel:

I am so hungry right now myself, I don't know what to do :huh:
I could be munching on some cold brats if I had thought to cook more :( I love those things cold.

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