What are you eating Friday January 22, 2010?

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Broiled Lamb Chops with a Madeira Reduction

nice chops!! yummy
Well, as is with almost everything happening around here these days (the ceiling painting has been put back again because I realized we have to take off all the cupboard doors on top because or the way they were installed and need to wait for DH to do it in the morning), dinner was changed once more.

I decided to make one of my Mom's standards which I have never tried on my own so neither Dad or I have had them for years (Mom has been gone for 16 and didn't cook much in her last years when she was so sick). CORN FRITTERS!!!!!! They actually turned out awesome!!! After our maximum two each, with some back bacon, this is what was left. They will freeze nicely for future meals.

Ms. M, I actually have you and your corncakes the other day to thank for trying this....I am glad I did!

Oh yeah, to make it even more fitting, they are sitting in a pie plate that was Mom's, which is on a placemat she made for me!


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We had tacos, but we ate so early that I am starting to feel a little hungry! Maybe some popcorn is in order. :cool:

Well, as is with almost everything happening around here these days (the ceiling painting has been put back again because I realized we have to take off all the cupboard doors on top because or the way they were installed and need to wait for DH to do it in the morning), dinner was changed once more.

I decided to make one of my Mom's standards which I have never tried on my own so neither Dad or I have had them for years (Mom has been gone for 16 and didn't cook much in her last years when she was so sick). CORN FRITTERS!!!!!! They actually turned out awesome!!! After our maximum two each, with some back bacon, this is what was left. They will freeze nicely for future meals.

Ms. M, I actually have you and your corncakes the other day to thank for trying this....I am glad I did!

Oh yeah, to make it even more fitting, they are sitting in a pie plate that was Mom's, which is on a placemat she made for me!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww thats so nice. thay look great.
I made stuffed green peppers with sausage/brown rice filling. Along side, roasted yukion gold potatoes w/ onion and rolls. Salad started things off.

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