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Barbara L

Traveling Welcome Wagon
Apr 4, 2004
Somewhere, US
Yep, I am now officially a pirate. Okay, not really, but I kind of look like one. My eye hurt so bad that it was hard sitting through church this morning. Even through my eyelids the light was hurting it. So, after church James bought me a couple of eye patches (no, not one for each eye!). I already have a problem with depth-perception, and this isn't helping any, but it definitely feels better. Hopefully I will be able to see an ophthalmologist soon. The doctor said it looks like I have either an ulcer or a rip in my eye.

So when do we get a picture of you with the eye patch.....and the outfit Fiona picked out for you of course! :angel:
So when do we get a picture of you with the eye patch.....and the outfit Fiona picked out for you of course! :angel:
When I looked like this, I might have looked pretty good in that dress! Red is definitely my color. Now? I'm not sure whether to laugh or throw up thinking about that image!


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Barbara...we would both slay them at any function in our Pirate gear, you don't think I would let you go alone, do you? I could pick out something all in black and you could be the Dread Pirate Roberta...
Barbara...we would both slay them at any function in our Pirate gear, you don't think I would let you go alone, do you? I could pick out something all in black and you could be the Dread Pirate Roberta...

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I can't wait for the Discuss Cooking Annual Halloween party. I am sure you two will win first prize.....of course BigDaddy will be tough competition!

Barbara, I love the pictures. Thanks for sharing a bit of your past.

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