TGIFriday, 1/7/2011, What's on the menu today?

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Hot dogs with onion and tomato (hot dogs and onions sautéed in butter, tomato paste, burgundy wine and water added) served over buttered small shells and steamed and butter chopped fresh baby spinach.

Wahoo's Fish Taco's for us tonight. I've had these when visiting in California but they recently opened a store here in Texas just a couple of miles from our house.

They are the best of the best. Paper thin corn tortilla's with a mild white fish topped with finely shredded cabbage and a squeeze of lime juice.

my pork loin with many onions and apples is done. my new crockpot is wonderful. wanted to give my son some of it. he does the cooking at his house and enjoys a break. he hasn't called me back yet. if he doesn't want it, may make white Chile with it, instead of chicken. that sounds good to me. some nice dinner rolls and that will be it.
I fried a chicken leg and thigh, heated up some leftover salt free canned tomatoes and warmed up Bebetoo's Scalloped Pineapple. Called it dinner.
I made chicken soup and ot chicken sandwiches. Guess who wanted to use up leftover roast chicken?

I accidentally touched the hot burner with the first joint of my ring and middle fingers on my left hand. d'oh! I have them wrapped in a paper towel soaked in salt water inside a plastic bag. Soaking in cool salt water for half an hour didn't make it stop hurting. Oh well.
Wahoo's Fish Taco's for us tonight. I've had these when visiting in California but they recently opened a store here in Texas just a couple of miles from our house.

They are the best of the best. Paper thin corn tortilla's with a mild white fish topped with finely shredded cabbage and a squeeze of lime juice.


you are going to make me crave fish tacos. there is a place near me that makes wonderful ones.:) they are a mom and pop and don't even take credit cards. the business is thriving because of the delicious food.
Copied and Pasted.

Getting over a painful experience is a lot like crossing monkey bars. At some
point you have to let go in order to move forward.

Love your tagline. Copied and pasted!
I made stuffed pork chops tonight. I stuffed them with shallots, garlic, spinach and feta cheese all sauteed in olive oil and stuffed into two chops.
Chipotle in adobo and blue cheese dressing on one side... garlic & parm on the other.


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I'm sure I will. When I checked the package of wild rice I found it to be a mixture including several brown rices and others. It's very pretty and will look perfect with the confettiness of your recipe.

I don't know if my screenshot will come out, but the brand is Lundberg Family and the mix is the 3rd mix, Wild Rice and Gourmet W ...OOPS!!!!!!

Long Grain Brown Rice, Sweet Brown Rice, Wild Rice, Whole Grain Wehani Rice, Whole Grain Black Japonica Rice

That is exactly the rice I've been advocating! I am able to get it in bulk. I make large amounts and eat it for a whole week...the smell is divine while cooking. Shrek does a happy dance!

I'm thinking I need a late dinner, Lasagna...sounds good. I hope there is some in the freezer.
I made chicken soup and ot chicken sandwiches. Guess who wanted to use up leftover roast chicken?

I accidentally touched the hot burner with the first joint of my ring and middle fingers on my left hand. d'oh! I have them wrapped in a paper towel soaked in salt water inside a plastic bag. Soaking in cool salt water for half an hour didn't make it stop hurting. Oh well.

Owie...I'm sorry!:ermm:
Owie...I'm sorry!:ermm:

Thank you. It quit hurting. I am the queen of burning myself in stupid ways, so I know how to deal with burns. I have used the paper towel and plastic bag method once before for a bad burn. The next morning my hand was wrinkly, but I couldn't find the burn. :LOL:

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