10 things Canadians do best

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There is a little area of Canada in the South West corner where there is very little snow and a whole lot of rain. This is where I live. Today we have frost on the ground and sun in the sky. A perfect day but one you won't find anywhere else in this beautiful country this time of year! :innocent:
Oh, dearie me; if it hasn't been already mentioned, make tourtiere, of course (and, yes I made mine and my husband (a not Canadian scarfed it down already, and my sisters have my recipe down pat). No, we haven't been Canadians for a few generations, but over the holidays, tourtiere rules!
We are also very good at picking on Toronto. In 1999 there was a big snow storm. The mayor of Toronto called in the army to help out. I don't think the rest of Canada will ever let them live that down.

Very Interesting Alix. There were a few I didn't know.

I bet you and your fellow Albertans are especially proud of having no Norwegian rats and being the birthplace of "trick or treat"! :LOL:

I am originally from Saskatchewan and I never remember hoodies being known as bunnyhugs - they were kangaroo jackets/sweaters. Jelly donuts were bismarks and the rectangular chocolate covered donut was a long john.
Very Interesting Alix. There were a few I didn't know.

I bet you and your fellow Albertans are especially proud of having no Norwegian rats and being the birthplace of "trick or treat"! :LOL:

I am originally from Saskatchewan and I never remember hoodies being known as bunnyhugs - they were kangaroo jackets/sweaters. Jelly donuts were bismarks and the rectangular chocolate covered donut was a long john.
Well, what else would you call a rectangular chocolate covered doughnut? :rolleyes:
Come on...no one thinks the glow in the dark dinosaur coin is super cool? THAT just made me so proud to be Canadian!
Actually, it would be nice to have one - so I could find a quarter in the depths of my huge purse for the shopping carts! :LOL:

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