11/14/10 Sunday Dinner

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2008
New Orleans, LA
My box of Commodities this month included a 24 oz. can of beef with juices. It's shredded beef in delicious juices, but also has a LOT of fat in it. I warm it up in my frying pan and pour the juices off into a container and put the container in the fridge to be defatted.

Half the meat will be put in a baggie for another time, and the other half will be used in tonight's dinner:

Spanish rice with rice cooked with onion soup mix and frozen,
a can of diced stewed tomatoes and a handful of frozen chopped broccoli.
I have another ball of pizza dough from TJ's - whole wheat. So pizza for dinner.
I stumbled on a recipe for Herbed Chicken and Dumplings for 2 this morning. I am going to give it a trial run. No sugar added Fruit Cocktail on the side. Comfort food.:chef:
Sunday dinner was...

Pork Tenderloin..Seared, and finished in the oven. Wine reduction sauce over the top..
Butter Beans with Tasso...
Yellow Squash Casserole....
Garlic Potatoes.......
Warm Peach Cobbler/Vanilla Ice Cream......:clap:

Supper will be light, and every man for himself! :)
will cook the rib eye steak that i didn't do a couple of nights ago., onion rings and a salad. love those onion rings.
I love onion rings too! I don't know if they are still there, but when I lived in Vista there was a place in San Marcos called George Burgers. It was run by a Greek family. They had wonderful onion rings!

The rib eye steak sounds pretty good too!

I love onion rings too! I don't know if they are still there, but when I lived in Vista there was a place in San Marcos called George Burgers. It was run by a Greek family. They had wonderful onion rings!

The rib eye steak sounds pretty good too!


i have found a frozen brand that is really very good. alexia all natural onion rings. a bit pricey but not so much when you consider the oil expensive . to say nothing of the hassle. i remember george burgers but don't think i have eaten there.
Homemade pizza. Just printed off bethzaring's pizza dough recipe (taking the laptop in the kitchen scares me!) and my girls will bring home whatever deli meat they want on the pizza. YUM!
Looks like it's just me for dinner tonight. Everyone here has the flu. Been feeling queasy myself this afternoon. Broth sounds good though.
Dumplings. Had no fresh parsley. Bummer..


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