8/6/2019 - Farm Worker Appreciation Day Dinner

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Crispy baked potato patties, salad three kinds of lettuce and kale, tomatoes, wheat berries, pickles, lentils and mung beans, with catalina tomato dressing.
We ordered out. I had a yummy Cobb salad and Stirling had a Buffalo ranch chicken salad. It was yummy.
I was planning to make Buffalo wings, but I'm not that hungry... yet. Just grazing, for now.




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I made a mix of chopped surimi, celery, onion, olives, cucumber and mayo, and had it on a toasted onion bun. It was delish and hit the spot with sliced mango and apple for a side. :yum:

...holding my tongue on the vid and pic, so this thread doesn't get moderated or deleted...lol...
Leftovers. After running around all day, I was very glad that I had laid in an inventory of the stuff. Contrary to what Himself might tell you, I do NOT buy "leftovers" in a special grocery department. :LOL:
I had a small bowl of rigatoni with tomato sauce late afternoon. When DD got home from work we used my new poachers. For large eggs 3:15 makes a perfect poached egg. I had 1 egg and half a toasted English muffin. No pictures. But tomorrow we will probably make eggs benedict. I will get pictures of that.

I picked up stuff for DD to try her hand at making sushi: bamboo rolling mat and rice paddle, seasoned rice vinegar, nori, sesame seeds and avocado. Since this was a first run she opted out of crab and cucumber and just did a basic roll.

They turned out pretty good ... I'm told. I don't eat sushi. I don't like seaweed or crab (I don't care for most fish raw or cooked). I even took a shot at rolling. We'll get better.

California avocado sushi roll. One has spicy mayo added.

We ordered out. I had a yummy Cobb salad and Stirling had a Buffalo ranch chicken salad. It was yummy.

We decided to have some dessert. Strawberries and peaches with crème Chantilly and a glass of Porto each. That was really good.
I ate leftovers for breakfast, another sandwich for lunch, and more leftovers for dinner, plus some guacamole (had 3 avocados that I had to use). Still have more leftovers!
We decided to have some dessert. Strawberries and peaches with crème Chantilly and a glass of Porto each. That was really good.

I love a good Porto. I prefer bottle aged to barrel aged. I can make a dessert just out of a good vintage Porto.

I love a good Porto. I prefer bottle aged to barrel aged. I can make a dessert just out of a good vintage Porto.


I don't know much about Porto. I don't even remember the name of the one we have and I don't know if it is bottle or barrel aged. It's just the one our Portuguese friend recommended and it's lovely.
Ahi, Seared in a Grill Pan, Steamed Cauliflower, Jasmine Rice, all on a bed of Teriyaki .............Surimi salad on side.........

Only my second time with Ahi ..... first time, flesh was gray all the way thru.... much better result this time...

Ahi Tuna teaks.jpg

Picked up a few things at the farmers market so supper was grilled Polish sausage, crisp fried new potatoes and cole slaw..

Dessert was fruit hand pies picked up from the Mennonite bakery booth..

Yesterday's main meal was lunch. A small hamburger with fried potatoes. 'Cept the potatoes were mostly crookneck squash and tomato.
19 08 06 Lunch.jpg
19 08 06 Lunch kcal.jpg
Just out of curiosity, do you weigh the items in your meals, or is this a guesstimate? I remember my grandmother measuring out everything my grandfather, who was diabetic, ate.
Mostly weigh, occasionally measure, rarely guestimate. The only thing in that last list that wasn't weighed is salt but I know from repeated experiments what my "one finger pinch" weighs so it was a pretty educated guess. I actually cooked twice that amount of vegetables so just halved my weighted quantities.

When I started weighing my food a couple of years ago it seemed a major pain and remember writing that it took longer to log than it did to cook, eat, and clean-up afterward. But it's the only way of managing diet that works for me so I'm stuck with it. Like everything else, it becomes a skill that improves with practice and now adds very little to cooking time.
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