A Post for Our Armed Services.

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My sister's sister in law, whom I have known for over 25 years now, her son is in Louisiana as part of the rescue teams that were depolyed to be there after Gustav is done. She is very nervous because of what happened with Katrina.
I also pray for all our men and woman all over the world. You don't have to know them, to think about them and thank them for giving me a life of freedom. God bless them all!!
My Fiance is in Iraq right now as well as my future brother inlaw.....since two days ago they are now at the same base, so I am glad for two brothers to be reunited after about 7 years!!
Prayers with all the families that they come home safe and soon!!
My daughter was injured in Iraq earlier this year, and her husband was over there as well. They are both stateside (Georgia) at the moment, but its unclear as to whether they'll be re-deployed.
I've had a cousin and cousin's nephew go overseas for our country, as well as friends' sons. I am in awe of them. There's one young man that I think of every day. I never met him, but know so much about him through articles I've read. He is the first and only from my city to die for his country, and his hero banner hangs proudly on my street corner. It is a constant reminder of all the brave Americans.

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