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Washing Up
Dec 4, 2004
N.E., Ohio
Any briners here?
I have seen Alton Brown twice in person and I just love his show, "Good Eats".
Pie Susan
oh, yeah, i brine. it makes chicken and pork and stuff absolutely delicious. very juicy, very tender. if you haven't brined, try some chicken breast or some pork chops.
Tons of us PS!

Check the Chicken/Turkey/Poultry threads on the methods...

Audeo, Otter, KitchenElf, GoodWeedoftheNorth, myself and others as well have thrashed through a lot of points on "how to", and results where it didn't work so well...with comments from others on what might or in fact, would, have worked out better...go ahead and read up on what we tried and how it came out...

I did a thread there on "Christmas Dinner Plan" or something like that, that listed my "first" brining recipe, and a bit on how I've moved around that to my personal taste, in some cases successfully, in other cases not so!

Anything you can add to the collective pool of wisdom, we're anxious and eager to hear it!

Please make yourself "at home" with us, this is a GREAT Board to participate in and with...

Oh, yes, and "WELCOME"! as well!!

We are briners galore :) I will never cook chicken, pork, turkey, etc. again without first brining.

Welcome to the boards!

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