Able to freeze Xmas Cake?

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Assistant Cook
Mar 24, 2007
I live in Australia. I want to make my traditional Christmas cake (old Canadian recipe) but I am afraid that in the high temperatures and humidity that we get here between now and Christmas, the cake will go mouldy. It uses pear juice to soak the fruit prior to use and although I pour over some sherry after it is baked, I'm not sure if that will be enough to save it. Can dark fruit cakes be successfully frozen? I would appreciate any ideas.
SuperChef69, I am in Perth and not only did my mum regularly freeze Christmas cakes, Christmas puddings, bread puddings and all the other heavily-fruit laden type baking, she also was able to store her Christmas cakes in the cupboard without them going mouldy. They were well-soaked and well packed in airtight containers and kept well away from sunlight. We didn't have a freezer until 1976 and mum never left the Christmas baking to the last moment. She would have been probably making hers about now. There aren't enough of us left who eat fruit cake for mum to bother anymore but she still turns out the odd pud.

Oh and we often didn't even get around to defrosting the Christmas Cake until Easter cos there was too much food and someone else always ended up bringing a Lions cake or something as a gift, so they got eaten before mum's. Made Easter nice.

Thanks all for your collective input. I will try a couple small ones. Easter sounds a good idea as well. Thanks again
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