Abscess Of Tooth - Uckkkkk!

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Washing Up
Aug 17, 2013
A molar of my right upper jaw is abscessed. I had to go to the Urgent Care for of this today.

This is very painful! I had a cavity of that tooth when I was 12 and the filling of it broke out from of my tooth on the last Tuesday. It became very painful and there is very much of swelling of it upon the inside of the gum.

The doctor was not of a dentist. I am on the pain medicine and the antibiotic until I see of the dentist next week. I called of the dentist when I returned of home and the office lady said there is nothing to do of this until the infection has gone away.

Uckkkkkk! I have never had of this. I have good teeth, they are strong and straight. I have had two cavities of being filled, but Romanian dentists are not so good. Of the last cleaning of the teeth, the dentist told me of the fillings need to be replaced.

I hate of this! My face hurts. I must only have of soft foods now, for it hurts to chew foods.

I wish none of you have to hurt of this!

With love,
Arggh. I too am having teeth issues, although mine are of a different sort. But still, associated pain is no fun. Hope you get it taken care of soon and your mouth feels better.
Since of before 1am, it has seemed to burst and it is draining. It feels much better but the draining of it tastes terrible. The throbbing of it has gone away, but it is sensitive of the gum place.

I shall keep of the penicillin pills and finish all of these to be away of the infection, and I am only taking one more painkiller. It shall help of the sleep. The doctor said of he thinks the nerve of the tooth could perhaps be exposed, and it hurts of cold and hot and the pressure of it.

Oh this is of a mess. But it is of better. I had a relief when it burst.

I am sorry, Whisk. Teeth pain and of anything of the mouth is so very bad. I do hope your teeth issues become very well soon.

I do hope no one else has of this.

With love,
I hope you feel better soon Cat. Not being able to eat and enjoy your good cooking must be tough. Hope the dentist gets you all fixed up when you finally see him. Don't be surprised if he suggests capping or crowning the tooth. I had a tooth break years back; the dentist was able to patch it enough to make it OK for a while, but ended up doing it two times over about 3-4 years. I finally gave in to having it crowned (didn't need anything else like an abscess drained or a root canal done, thank goodness) maybe five years ago and it's been trouble-free since. Should have had that done the first time around...
Sorry, CatPat, for your pain. I think a toothache is the worst pain. At least you have both pain medicine and an antibiotic.
Sorry you are having this problem, Cat. I had an abscess many years ago and, I think, it was the same tooth as you describe. Uncomfortable beyond description and I was soooooo happy when the dentist got it all taken care of.

Tooth pain is one of the worst pains there is. There's no real way to escape it and no band-aid can make it feel better. Just take your meds and try to be as comfortable as you can. You'll feel much better soon.
(((Hugs Cat))) I have had an abscess in my mouth and it was horrible. You should seriously consider having that other filling replaced before something happens with it.

I'm glad to hear that you will continue taking your antibiotics for the full course. This is very important, so you don't help develop antibiotic resistant germs.
Oh Cat, I know how painful an abscess can be. It will get better though. Just make sure you follow up with the dentist. Take care of yourself. :angel:
Cat, did the doctor tell you to rinse with warm salt water? My dentist did. It can't hurt. You want it a "normal saline" concentration - 0.9% salt in water, ~1.6 tsps/litre. I think it is supposed to be about as salty as tears. Maybe PF can tell us. It doesn't have to be all that exact.
I've had that a couple of times Cat so I know it is horribly painful. And having to eat soft food gets old very quickly! Glad your abscess is draining now. :)
DA told me of the salt water mixture, and I am doing this. I did not sleep well. The pain gets bad then not so bad over and over.

Uckk. I have a new job but I was lucky to not to be scheduled for work today. I would have to call them and stay at home. I have never done that before. That is a terrible thing of to do to an employer, but I would be forced of it.

Mamma and Carl and Lakisha have called to check of me and Gwen is here to help with DA. I am not doing much work today, so I shall rest and take care of this.

You have heard of to apply for a business and to put of it LLC, yes? We call ourselves the LCC. Lakisha, Carl, and Cat. Ha! It is so good to have of good friends here on this website and in my life.

If I could make only one wish to come true ever of my life I would wish no one has this pain anywhere of their bodies.

With love,
So sorry, Cat. Glad you have antibiotics, I feel better, as an untreated abscess can infect the brain. Hope you can see your dentist soon!
Oh my Cat. You'll feel better soon, as I told you. You're doing the right thing to take it easy today. And don't go to work tomorrow, please. I know it's only five hours, but you need to take these two days to get a little better and not push yourself, for you have class on Monday.

You've got your doctor's note to prove you aren't fit for work this weekend. Call your supervisor today, and tell him you can't come in tomorrow. I'd call you, but my Skype is down for some reason and Papa's been on the phone all day with that idiot supplier again.

Thank you all for helping her. This is why Carl said this beats the crap out of Facebook!


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