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I got mine yesterday and couldn't wait to open it. And was I surprised. My SS did a great job of selecting for me. I'm in the middle of a big construction job in the basement and the square guide, Gorilla glue (my all time favorite), and drill bit guide will fit in very nicely with my other tools.

In addition to those, I got a very nice 1/2 lb package of some homemade rub that smells really good! :chef: I can't wait to try it.

I'm so very pleased :):)!

Thank you...Thank you...Thank you!

Yay Nica!!!
:) This is what I got the box was filled with goodies including rosemary/lemon salt and the herb blend zataar which I'm very familiar with.
The chestnuts were a huge bonus to me since we can't get them anywhere around here.:):):) Can't show goodies since most went into my belly:LOL:

I'm still waiting to hear if my person got their gift... I'm really getting concerned now...
I mailed it on the 11th or the 12th... so you'd think it would have been there but... I'll hold on! lol!!
awwww well please pass on the message ;) that I would hate to receive a gift twice! (thats not fair to them or anyone else) so to hold off and I will continue to be patient!! :):)
The mail must really backed up, I haven't gotten mine yet either. A birdy told Barbara that it was on it's way so I'm not worried. Merry Christmas everyone.
Ok, Just so everyone knows, UPS was still delivering at 5:45 on Christmas Eve. I'm so glad because I got my package from my Secret Santa. Alls I can say is I'm in heaven!!!! THANK YOU!!!THANK YOU!!!!!THANKYOU!!!!!!!!
Here's my gift. I think my SS did a little reading. This gift almost made me cry.


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Here is what James (Maidrite) got. It is a beautiful Chop Toppers glass cutting board and a Sharpkut II Carve & Serve knife. The picture doesn't do the cutting board justice. It has beautiful deep colors. The first picture they are in the packages and the second one they are out.



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