Are you a picky eater?

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Master Chef
Aug 24, 2004
da 'burgh
i'm not a picky one.
i was born a not-picky eater until you tried to get me to take a taste of a tomato. now i adore tomatoes, tee-hee.:LOL:
i'm pretty much open to new foods. there are a few things i won't eat, but i'm open to trying new things and re-trying old things that i didn't like at first. that
seafood salad that they offer at salad bars, raw bell peppers, the larger brussels sprouts (the petite ones aren't as bitter so i'm fine with those), pig's feet (although i've begun to reconsider those; my Dad loves pig's feet but when he offered me my first one i was more concerned with the fact that it was called a pig's foot than i was with the actual flavor of it.:LOL: ).
how 'bout you?
No and yes.

No = I'll eat a lot of different foods. I like to try new stuff.

Yes = I'm very particular about how foods are prepared.
yes i am a picky eater. i hate veggies and seafood.
though i'm not as bad as my sister...unless it's
mashed potatoes she won't touch it. the girl
doesn't even eat meat. i swear they mixed
babies up at the hospital.
Yes and no luvs

yes, i'm fussy about how things are prepared and the freshness of the ingredients used.
No, I'll give anything one try,:LOL:
I guess I'm pretty picky, I hate lots of vegetables! DH and I don't eat any orange vegetables!! Unfortunately I am open to trying all new chocolates and cakes!
I am not picky at all. There are things that I do not like, but with a good amount of those things I am willing to try them again from time to time to see if my tastes have changed. I am very open minded when it comes to trying new things. Even things that other people have described as disgusting. For instance, I am dying to try durian even though most people I have talked to said it is repulsive.
No I'm not picky. I pretty much will try most things.....except something that looks disgusting prior to octopus or squid. I do have a hard time trying something I've tried in the past that about made me hurl the first time......memories flood my taste buds.
I don't consider myself a picky eater, ever since I was little I loved almost all vegetables!!
Well I just get picky when it comes to meat, the only kinds I like are boneless/skinless chicken or turkey breast, lean mince and a tender cut of pork that is FREE OF fat, gristle, bone or any other "disturbances". I don't even consider following items as food - any meat aside from chicken, turkey, pork or beef, like deer, lamb, rabbit, frog, grasshoppers etc., or organs, or any graphic body parts like toes, ears etc.
I like fish very much but only if they are perfectly filleted, I can't imagine how anyone could think "mmm, yummy, dinner!" looking at a whole dead fish with those beady eyes staring back.
I also hate anything prepared/seasoned with MSG(no not Madison Square Garden, Monosodium Glutamate!:mrgreen:). To me MSG has a really strident flavour that overwhelms everything else, and gives a bland homogeneous taste to everything that is prepared with it.
Erm, well... maybe I am a wee bit picky!!:ROFLMAO:
Well. I'd say I'm not a picky eater. I like to try new things and I try everything before I say I don't like it. But I'm also picky with the freshness of the ingredients and how the food is prepared!
Im not sure if I can be considered picky. I wont eat broscht(bad experience with my grandma when I was a kid and it still scares me), and I wont eat headcheese. Dad used to make it all the time and I just cant get over it. Ill eat variety meats, wild meats, oh I wont eat lamb again ick!, veggies and fruits. I dont care a whole lot for fruits but I do tolerate them. And I dont like anything sweet.....marshmellows, sweet cakes, gives me a tummy ache thinking of it, chocolate I can handle in very small I not sure
tancowgirl2000 said:
Im not sure if I can be considered picky. I wont eat broscht(bad experience with my grandma when I was a kid and it still scares me), and I wont eat headcheese. Dad used to make it all the time and I just cant get over it. Ill eat variety meats, wild meats, oh I wont eat lamb again ick!, veggies and fruits. I dont care a whole lot for fruits but I do tolerate them. And I dont like anything sweet.....marshmellows, sweet cakes, gives me a tummy ache thinking of it, chocolate I can handle in very small I not sure

Nah......your just Selective:mrgreen:
Wondering if the term "picky" eater came from people picking off the stuff they don't like, & eating the rest or vice versa. :LOL: You couldn't keep a chocolate cake in the fridge with my aunt around. She would sneak into the fridge & eat all the chocolate frosting off, leaving a bare ugly cake. :sick: In that regard, I'm not "picky."

I like what I like, and am willing to try new things. There are certain foods, where I draw the line. For me, it's mostly about personal preference. Don't want to give a stereotypical (sp?) response here, but "some" of my experience has been that men are not fond of vegetables. Some (not all) are more in favor of meat and potatoes. Men (sorry) mostly rave about their mother's cooking. I think children tend to be picky because they have a limited experience with different kinds of foods - or because it's about power/attention. Could it be that food means a lot of different things to people? Perhaps there's some psychology behind food/eating habits/preferences.
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I'm not picky, although I do believe that there's no point in eating food you don't absolutely love. It takes effort to prepare a meal, and I try to make it worth it every time. If I try a new recipe and it's nothing special, I won't bother with it again. But I'll use the same ingredients in different dishes...

But I draw the line at asparagus.
Definitely, firmly in the "not" category. Even if I don't like something, I can manage to eat it and be sociable. Perhaps it is my military brat upbringing. Food is an essential part of culture, and if you want to enjoy travel (and I do), you must be able to enjoy the food of the area you are visiting. It is why I could never be a vegan or even a vegetarian in all the other forms. I simply love the experience of cooking and eating. Limiting that when you don't have to strikes me as a shame. Hubby recently was diagnosed with diabetes. We're doing OK, but I sure wish we'd have done that trip to Europe before this happened.

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