Are you an early bird or a night owl?

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Executive Chef
Jun 24, 2005
Native New Mexican, now live in Bellingham, WA
Well, it's 30 minutes after midnight and I am wide awake. I've always loved staying up late and never have liked waking up before noon. Now that we have kids, that's impossible and in about 20 years, when they are out of the house, I'll be programmed to getting up early (earlier than noon anyway).

There's just something about the night that I love. The quiet. It's hard to put my finger on it, but I feel like I can draw my inspirations from the night. My best writings are at night and choreography comes easy to me after the commotion of the day has passed.

And the rest of you?

That being said, I'd better get my butt to bed. :LOL:
I like to go to bed about 10 and get up about 6, but I'm having a sleeping problem again so I'm up all times of the night and drowsy during the day. I hate to take sleeping pills, but I suppose I will have to do so. I need rest asap.
Night owl since birth. I was up all night and slept all day.
Even now it's rare that I'm asleep before 2:00 a.m.
There are some times that I am up late but most times I end up waking for no reason anywhere from midnight on. Most times I am up by 5 a.m. and end up with really bad headaches if I sleep past 6.
I have always been a morning person, up between 5-6am, which means eary bedtime. Love seeing the day come alive, beginning with the sunrise.
night owl here..

Husband works from 3pm to whenever for his programming position so I stay with his position's hours. Since we don't have kids (just 4-legged critters) I can stay with his schedule and not have an issue. When the Masters program kicks up in Jan it'll be easy for me since classes will be at night.

That's my schedule. :)
I only sleep for 4 to 5 hours a night. So it's in bed by 1 am and up between 5 and 6. Two of my 5 children also have this problem. They say it's not healthy but what can you do?
I'm both. Love to get up early and get stuff done, 30 nap about 3 in the afternoon and I'm good to go 'til the wee hours of the morning. That's usually when I read. Family's in bed and the house feels cozy.
Early Bird here - I don't like to be woken up - but once up, I get most my work done then - at a hundred miles a minute - once dinner is served and cleaned and DS is put to bed, I shut down.
Night Owl.

SO hits the hay about 9:00 PM most nights and leaves the entire castle to me. Starting in February, I'll be getting up earlier for my nanny job. ...or do I call myself a manny.
I am without a doubt a NIGHTOWL!! - No matter how tired I may be I wake up after 9pm - As a child I had my nights and days mixed up as well. No matter how much sleep I do get I can not seem to get out of bed in the morning and do so only because I have no choice in the matter!!:wacko:
The cats get us up sometime between 7:00 and 7:30 AM. DW turns in like clockwork at 11:00 PM. I stay up reading until I'm sleepy - any time between 11:00 PM and 1:00 AM.

I'm neither one. I'd rather sleep till around 10am & be in bed by 10pm. Unfortuantly, with kids & work I can't do that. I'm more myself in the afternoon & get a lot more done.
The fact that both of us are such extreme night owls is one of the reasons why Cris and I get along with each other so well. If we go to sleep before 2 it is considered "early" in this household, and it is not unusual that a new day is dawning when we finally hit the sack. Such a habit would surely not be welcomed by vast majority of the population I am sure!!

(In fact, after all this Cris usually gets up and start working, either here at home or going out somewhere, in the morning by 9, so really he should be getting much more sleep!!)

I agree with Cora, I like the atmosphere of late night, actually my mind is normally the most clear and active after midnight. Also I like the atmosphere of very early morning, around the dawn too, but only if we get there by staying up, not by waking up at this hour!!:ohmy:
corazon90 said:
Well, it's 30 minutes after midnight and I am wide awake. I've always loved staying up late and never have liked waking up before noon. Now that we have kids, that's impossible and in about 20 years, when they are out of the house, I'll be programmed to getting up early (earlier than noon anyway).

There's just something about the night that I love. The quiet. It's hard to put my finger on it, but I feel like I can draw my inspirations from the night. My best writings are at night and choreography comes easy to me after the commotion of the day has passed.

And the rest of you?

That being said, I'd better get my butt to bed. :LOL:

Everyday I'll stay up to around 2 or 3ish. On a school day I may go to bed around 1. Usually I don't. I try to sleep in as much as I can on a school day. On the weekends I sleep in till about 1pm, unless I have to work. Then I sleep until 30 minutes before my shift.
Actually I think I'm a little bit of both. Most nights I'm up until at least midnight, even though I am in bed by 11 p.m. I love to read and that's when I curl up nice and comfy with my books.

I used to be able to "sleep in," but for the last 10 or so years that's not been happening. I have an automatic alarm clock that usually kicks in about 6 a.m., but I don't roll out of the sack until about 7:30 or 8 because the bed and covers feel so good. Especially in the wintertime.

When I have a lot of things that need to be done, I can wake myself up whenever I want to. This drives Buck nuts. He needs a traditional alarm clock to jolt him awake.

I do love the solitude and quiet of the house late at night. Even our cats snuggle down in their favorite sleeping places and leave me alone. I try to be quiet if I'm up later at night than Buck so I don't disturb him. Although our house is so big that I would have to run the vacuum cleaner at full tilt and have the blender going, too, for him to hear.

Also, as someone else said, there's something beautiful about seeing the day come alive. Sunrise is so lovely and promising. So count me as both a night owl and morning person.
I am a night owl with a morning person's job and dog...
<-- This little guy to the left loves to see the sun rise and insists (quite vehemnantly) that someone gets the "pleasure" of seeing the crack of dawn with him...

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