Arizona Town Overrun By Packs of Wild Roving Chihuahuas

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Apparently we aren't watching our border close enough down there. ;)
Sounds like a version of "Beverly Hills Chihuahua". Wasn't there a pack of roving chihuahuas in the movie?
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I once read that Chihuahuas, in the wild, hunted wild boar in packs.

Wiki-Answers says that Chihuahuas hunt in packs of 200 (in Los Angeles) hunting down stray strippers. :)

In a message board at Snopes the question was about Chihuahuas hunting bulls . One person suggested that Chihuahuas could kill a bull because The bulls see the pack of Chihuahuas coming at him with their teeth bared, and the bull starts laughing so hard that it dies. Then the Chihuahuas feast on the remains....

Wild chihuahua packs can bring down a bull -

They are good for hunting rats.
Those bulls have obviously never been faced with more than two Chihuahuas.
I haven't seen anybody open carry a Chihuahua since that Reese Witherspoon movie.
In a message board at Snopes the question was about Chihuahuas hunting bulls . One person suggested that Chihuahuas could kill a bull because The bulls see the pack of Chihuahuas coming at him with their teeth bared, and the bull starts laughing so hard that it dies. Then the Chihuahuas feast on the remains....
I dunno. That sounds like a load of "bull" to me. :LOL:


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