Beef Tips recipe needed

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
I'm basically making meals and freezing single portion containers for you know who, who works 12 hour days and I end up eating alone. (where is that "oh poor me" smiley?)
I have so far: a cream based pasta verona, lasagna, chili with noodles (yuk on the noodles) and a few heavy bean soups.
He wants Beef Tips with Noodles. I don't know exactly what this is. What cut of beef should I use and does anyone have a recipe for Beef Tips?
Is Beef Tips with Noodles really a dish or does it go by any other name?
Some people make Beef Stroganoff with beef tips.
I was thinking Stroganoff too.

I am not familiar with the term "beef tips". One of the cuts used for Stroganoff is the tip of the beef tenderloin, since it doesn't cut into nice steaks, strips are perfect. The butt of the tenderloins is used for Stroganoff too, for the same reason.
I appreciate both posts and I do think beef stroganoff is probably the best bet here.
I'm guessing 'beef tips' is some Wisconsin favorite. It's probably seen on some Wisconsin restaurant menu.
I have some 'stew meat', no one knows what it is from, but I'm thawing it out. (from that half a beef I bought)
Once I run out of 'stew meat', I'm going to have to learn how to use some of these roasts in something besides roasting them.
I'm going to need more sour cream to make this. Some how, the beef dishes with cream or sour cream, seem so nice for dinners, interspersed with tomato based beef dinners.
I looked at that. It seems it could be from the tenderloin, from sirloin, or from random other bits of beef.

Around here, you can get what's called a sirloin tip roast or sirloin tips. The sirloin tips are strips of meat people marinate and grill. It has a different texture I don't care for. The roast is decent as an oven roast.
If you have a couple of pounds... 2 at least. Season them and sprinkle a little flour on them. turn heat up to med high and brown meat quickly in olive oil but don't burn the flour. Remove meat and deglaze with half a bottle of red wine. Add 2-3 tablesoons of dark cherry or sour cherry preserves and a sprig of rosemary. Reduce this by about 1/2 and taste. Adjust seasonings and rewarm meat in sauce. Serve over buttered egg noodles or fettucini. Fresh blackberries will work too.
I looked at that. It seems it could be from the tenderloin, from sirloin, or from random other bits of beef.

Around here, you can get what's called a sirloin tip roast or sirloin tips. The sirloin tips are strips of meat people marinate and grill. It has a different texture I don't care for. The roast is decent as an oven roast.
I'm guessing 'beef tips' is some Wisconsin favorite. It's probably seen on some Wisconsin restaurant menu.

The term is used here in So. Cal. in restaurants and supermarkets although I can't think of a specific example. I usually eat a bit higher on the cow. :)
The term is used here in So. Cal. in restaurants and supermarkets although I can't think of a specific example. I usually eat a bit higher on the cow. :)
What does this mean? I take no offense, I just don't understand 'higher on the cow'. Is it a reference to kosher food or something else? Educate me on this.

Beef tips sure seems like some non-descript idea. Beef bourginioun or beef stroganoff.....or any beef pieces with gravy.

I'm going to coat the beef pieces in corn starch and soy sauce, and quickly fry them, add onions and mushrooms and let the sauce (with some beef stock) become the gravy and add the sour cream. The noodles I'll undercook a bit and top it with the gravy and beef.
Beef Tips Are Tenderlion of Beef or Sirlion of Beef

Buonasera, Good Afternoon,

I had googled this info down the other day, however, we had the Ferry trip today over the 60 km. from Puglia to Corfu, Greece for the Vet´s birthday and I had forgotten to post on the Ferry ...

It is usually combined with rice, potatoes or noodles ... However, I do prefer a beef stock sauce:

cream sauce, a beef stock jus, and / or a Dijon green peppercorn mustard sauce ... However, some seasonal green veggies can go nicely too ...

Have lovely August,
Some people make Beef Stroganoff with beef tips.

The recipe calls for serving over noodles or rice. I would opt for the rice since you are freezing these for individual meals. Cooked noodles do not freeze very well in the home freezer.

I often make this dish minus the sour cream. Cuts down on the calories. :angel:
Sirloin tip is great when corned, roasted slow and low, and sliced very thin against the grain. The roast can be grilled to medium rare with a bit of smoking wood, salt, and pepper. Final meat temp should be no more than 135 to 140' F. Chill and slice paper thin for sandwiches.

Cube a use in stews. Cut into strips and use the velvet technique. Use the strips in stir-fries.

Slice very thin, brine, then dry. Use in chipped beef recipes.

I like to cut Sirloin tip into steaks, and pan fry or grill then over charcoal to somewhere between rare and medium rare. I then slice thin strips, against the grain, for use in various dishes, or on sandwiches.

The strips can also be marinated and dried as jerky.

Just a couple of ideas for you.

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
When I make beef tips, I normally put beef tips that are already cut up in a crock pot and add 2 packs of onion soup mix with 4 beef bouillon (sp?) cubes and one packet of brown gravy. And fill with water until it completely covers meat. And cook on low 6-8 hours
When I make beef tips, I normally put beef tips that are already cut up in a crock pot and add 2 packs of onion soup mix with 4 beef bouillon (sp?) cubes and one packet of brown gravy. And fill with water until it completely covers meat. And cook on low 6-8 hours

Wow, that is a lot of salt. Bullion cubes are mostly salt. One cube is equal to one cup of liquid. And the onion soup mix also. All the powder is mostly salt. Each packet is equal to two cups of liquid. Then you have to consider the salt in the gravy packet. I understand you are going for a rich flavor. You would be better off using "Better Than Bullion" It has a lot less salt than the bullion cubes. And more intense flavor. :angel:
Omaha Steaks sells terderloin tips and sirloin tips raw. They also sell several prepared dishes featuring their beef tips, including stew, stir-fry, stroganoff and sirloin tips in mushroom and wine sauce. I am sure a google search will give you several recipes for both sirloin tips and tenderloin tips.

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