Bikini Operation French Lemon Chicken

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Margi Cintrano

Washing Up
Jan 29, 2012
Both in Italy and Spain
Buonasera Ladies & Gents,

:chef: During the autumn Vendage ( Grape Harvest in French ) of 2011, The Vet and I had taken a long weekend trip to a few Rhône towns ... This lunch dish hails from one of those picturesque wine villages ... Note: I have employed fat reduced cream ... It is quite tasty ... Enjoy ...

Bikini operation poulet au citron, lemon chicken ...

3 1/2 pounds of skinless and boneless chicken breasts
3 tlbps. snipped fresh chives
1 spring onion and 1 leek chopped finely
3 tblsps freshly chopped parsley herb
1 1/2 tblsps. Fresh Tarragon Herb or dried
1 1/2 tblsps. fresh thyme herb or dried
6 ounces of fresh white mushrooms sliced
2 shallots sliced finely
2/3 cup Fresh Lemon Juice
2 Tablespoons Gin from the UK
1/4 stick unsalted butter
1/2 cup fat reduced cream
all purpose flour

1. place the clean chicken breasts in a large bowl and season with salt and freshly ground rose, green and black pepper
2. sprinkle with chives. parsley, tarragon, and thyme and toss to coat
3. sprinkle shallots over the chicken and add mushrooms and toss again
4. stir together with the lemon juice and Gin and cover and refrigerate 3 hours
5. remove the chicken breasts from the marinade and reserve marinade and mushrooms
6. pat chicken dry with papper towelling
7. place flour in a large pie plate
8. coat chicken in very lightly in flour, and shake off excess
9. melt butter and add the breasts to the skillet
10. cook until golden 5 mins per side
11. add the marinade with the mushrooms and herbs and cook 3 mins.
12. stir in the cream and bring to boil and then reduce the heat to low simmer and cook until all is cooked through, 20 mins.
13. using slotted spoon, transfer chicken to large platter and keep warm
14. boil the liquid until thickened to sauce consistency and stir occasionally about 15 mins.
15. season sauce to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper and drizzle sauce over the chicken ...

*** Serve with a Green Salad and a glass of Prosecco or Dry white wine
4 Meandthem, Buonasera,

Good idea ... I think you´re right ...

In serious, how much Gin would you marinate with ?

I am quite serious with a chuckle !

Ciao, Have a nice wkend,

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