Blue cheese and pear preserves omelette

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Feb 11, 2023
So I'm going to try a blue cheese & pear preserves omelette...I believe the two flavors will (pear) together nicely..(no pun intended) do have to like blue cheese. What are your thoughts?
I have cooked with pears and blue cheese in a pasta dish. It was very nice. But, I do wonder it it will work with eggs. In my mind's eye (tongue?), the egg flavour wouldn't go well with the other flavours. The egg could easily have a dry flavour. That's just my guess. it might work a treat.

And, "...two flavors will (pear) together nicely..(no pun intended..." I don't believe that no pun was intended. If no pun was intended, why wasn't the word "pair"?
Yeah, it'll work fine but it really comes down to the skill of the cook to make this work properly for overall balance. I've made blue cheese and caramelized pear ice-cream. I've also made blue cheese and pear tarts. What you don't want is to overcook the eggs.

Anyway I would probably use the high heat oven method where the egg mixture "souffles" Basically in a fairly hot pan you start the omelets and allow to cook about half way then either in a 450 oven or under a broiler, salamander allowing the omelets to finish. Personally I would probably add maybe chives, tarragon, or rosemary to the egg mixture as well. Alternatively the quick french method might be a decent method as well, just not the cook and flip half over method, what is that anyway, lol. :)
I think it sounds great as a savoury dish. Not something I would try unless my tutor (hey pictonguy, interested?) was standing and instructing over my shoulder.
I'm going to give it a go...not sure what method I will use yet...maybe try the start in pan then finish in the oven...I know the combo works in a grilled cheese sandwich..but I think I'm going to try with eggs
I'm blessed to have a nice little cheese shop not more then a block or two from work. Love that place! I've also done a blue cheese and bacon Mac...that was wonderful
I have cooked with pears and blue cheese in a pasta dish. It was very nice. But, I do wonder it it will work with eggs. In my mind's eye (tongue?), the egg flavour wouldn't go well with the other flavours. The egg could easily have a dry flavour. That's just my guess. it might work a treat.

And, "...two flavors will (pear) together nicely..(no pun intended..." I don't believe that no pun was intended. If no pun was intended, why wasn't the word "pair"? correct did that! I'm innocent
Ok! I made it today, turned out amazing....

I could've pulled it from the oven a few minutes sooner...but by no way was it over cooked. Had a little darker edges and bottom but not burnt. Was very light and fluffy and the cheese and pears blended nicely into the eggs


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WOW! Congratulations - knew you could do it...

Now, do you remember the steps? the quantities? quick write them down before you forget! and then post your recipe for us.
So four eggs, yoke and whites, about 1/3 cup of milk, about 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes, 1/4 tsp salt, pepper and garlic, whisk together. While I had the oven pre heating to 400 I began prepping the blue cheese so it was ready to go. Started on the stove top and once it cooked for about 2 minutes I added the cheese and a few dollops of the pear all around. Took it off the stove and straight into the oven at 400 for 15 minutes.
Next time 10 minutes I think would be better
Kloes' from your wording I'm guessing one pear, diced.
But approx how much blue cheese?

May I be so bold as to suggest to look at how some other recipes are written out?
Ingredients, with quantities. They should be listed in order of use. Also note if the quantity is divided.
Then your method.
It is helpful if your pan size is mentioned, eg. 4 x 7" loaf pan, 12" skillet, 9" cake pan... that sort of thing.

I know it seems (and is!) a bit tedious but it really helps one reading it to visualize.

I can't wait to try it soon for sure!

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