Boot sizing for men

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Master Chef
Apr 16, 2005
North Texas
Aren't you suppose to get mens boots a size bigger than their normal shoe size? I need to get DH some for Christmas, so, I can't ask him.
I usually do. The sane can also apply for trainers (sneakers in American). Of course a lot can depend on the manufacturer as well.

Has he got a pair of boots already, if so have a sneaky check of the size.
Can't youlook at his old ones? I think it depends on the boot style. How high they are. How tall. How wide. The instep area. Gosh there is so much to thnk about.
The tag is no longer legible inside the old ones. Shoot. Okay, I guess I will just order them and if they don't fit, I will return for another size. Thanks for your help guys. I really appreciate it!
If you can get out of the house with them, take them to a shoe store and put one on those shoe size things.
Yep, Texasgirl - I wear a full size larger in my boots (Acme, Nacona, Justin, Dan Post, Lucchese, etc.) than my American made dress shoes - Euro made dress shoes are also a size larger, as are foreign made athletic shoes, generally.
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Texas Girl, do like we had to do in Primary School - draw a line around the sole of the boot on a piece of paper and just take it to your nearest shop to get a sizing. You can then buy online with confidence.

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