Can I leave cooked pasta and sauce out

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Head Chef
Apr 25, 2007
I just cooked some frozen spinache and cheese raviolis and heated up some sauce and meatballs. Mixed it all together and it's now piping hot ready to serve. but I'm not serving it until 5pm ish and it's 3pm ish. can I just leave it on the stove "of course not with the burner on". but just leave it there and heat it up before serving?
I always thought pasta was one of those "safe " dishes you could leave out, until people told me otherwise. I'd listen to Andy &Jenny.:)
When I do that, like with baked beans or dressing, I usually have the oven on cooking something else, and it does a good job of keeping things warm. So you could just set your oven at about 200, and your dish will stay warm without overcooking.

I have also set finished dishes inside the microwave, which is well insulated. If it's for very long, I give it a little zap now and then.

Coolers also keep things hot as well as cold.

Hope I helped!

Now, if you ever need any help with ways to keep food cold when you are totally out of refrigerator space and coolers, let me know.
No. The cheese in the pasta, and the pasta itself are the most potentially hazardous items in your dish. You can keep something warm for 2 hours at 140 degrees before harmful organisms have multiplied to a toxic level. You'd be better off keeping the burner on very low, adding water every now and then and then serving it.

It positively is not safe to leave it on the counter and then reheat it.:chef:
You have pasta, cheese and meat holding. It DEF must be kept above 140!!

Pretty much anything that's not fermented or pickled or otherwise preserved needs to subscribe to the 40-140 rule.

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