Christmas Tree 2014

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
Have we done this in past years; post photos of our Christmas Trees?

It took DH and me about 5 minutes to put up and plug in this tree. We haven't decorated it yet. I have many very nice ornaments;).


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I can't remember if there's a thread for Christmas trees or not. Whatever the case...we have one now.:)

Our tree won't go up until Christmas week, most likely Christmas Eve day, which is normal for me/us. I like to keep the tree up until the first week in January so we can enjoy it. Things are just too crazy here to put it up any earlier.

Looks nice, Beth and, yep, I bet I know where some of your ornaments came from. Pretty nice, too, that you arranged for your upholstery to match the holiday. :LOL::rolleyes:
I remember last year's, too. Can't find it now.

We were talking about decorating last night. I think we'll start this weekend.

We're finished decorating for Christmas. When I say, "We're finished decorating..." I really mean SO is finished. I provide technical support in repairing broken items and setting timers for all the lights.

I'll snap a pic and post it later.
Pretty tree, Beth. :) Mine will be in front of a big window I've been moving around things making a nice spot for it, and washing the window. My biggest challenge so far has been finding a new place for all the plants that live in front of that window. :ermm::LOL:

I'll be getting my tree on Saturday. Have to wait for my son-in-law's day off, he has a truck and will deliver it for me once I pick it out, and help me set it up in the stand.
I just can't bring myself to put up my huge beautiful tree this year so it will stay in the box with the hundreds of ornaments. However, I just ordered a little 3 ft. table top tree with pretty fiber optic lights that we can put here in our little computer/tv room to enjoy. We're always in this room anyway, so this is the place to have it. I'll post a picture later as it's suppose to arrive Dec. 11th with free shipping.
I just wanted to add that the huge beautiful tree that will stay in the box, pulls as much electricity as nine 100 W light bulbs!
Dang, it actually heated up the living room.:wacko:

This is what it looked like..
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Wow Kayelle, that tree is gorgeous! And huge. We have 7 1/2 foot ceilings in this house, AKA "Munchkin Land". My "big" tree is a short 6'. Not as many ornaments either, but most are family heirlooms, ones we bought on vacations or celebrations, and those made by our kids or nieces. The really special ones will go on the shorter alpine tree in the family room, if I get it up. Danged germs....

This is our "Darlene Tree". If you look past the tree on the right, you can see the neighbor's dinette window in the background. I hope they like this year's version.


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Beautiful trees, Kay and CG!

CG, I can't imagine having more than one tree, but if I could I would! My living room is 12' but I'm going to look for a tree between 5 and 6'. And CG, I sure hope you feel better soon. :)

Kay, I'm going the opposite of you this year, it seems! :LOL: For the past few years I've gone with a table top tree, a couple of years ago I even had a little rosemary bush cut in the shape of a Christmas tree. It was fun, but this year, I want to go bigger. :)
When my parents lived at The Lake, the ceiling was 18 ft. In the summer, we would scout for the perfect tree. When we arrived in December, we'd head out to get the tree. We did not cut the tree, rather I would have to climb the tree with a handsaw and parachute cord. I would have to attach the cord, cut the top off the tree and my brother and dad would guide it to the ground. There were times we had to drag the tree a mile or so over snowcovered rocky terrain. Once we got it home, we'd have to make sure the ceiling fan was off before we'd try to stand it up (fortunately, we only to clip the top off one Christmas tree to learn that requirement).

The larger ornaments went up at the top so that you could see them when sitting in the livingroom. It took us an entire day to decorate it. My brother and I would start with the lights (using cross-country ski poles to position them), and then the ornaments.

Ever since I was a child, I wanted a HUGE Christmas tree. The last Christmas at The Lake, we had to take two feet off the base of the tree because I cut it too tall. When we measured from the lower branches to the other side, it was 12 ft. It was a beautiful tree (and a wonderful Christmas). I have photos of it somewhere, but it was the whole process of getting the tree, putting it up, and then, of course, taking it down (not nearly as much fun, but just as tricky).

We laughed so much when putting it up--it can be a bit tricky to get an ornament on a tree using a ski pole while leaning over the railing of a loft...there were several calls to the those below "Falling Angel!" or "Falling Star." The top was always topped with a large angel, surrounded by a choir of angels and stars and then the more earthly ornaments went on (deer, loons, etc.). It took a lot of ornaments to cover that tree, not to mention lights. For some reason, Christmas trees just aren't my thing anymore. It guess that tree was a tough act to follow...
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This year I shall have a Christmas peacock instead of a tree!

Our wedding colors were inspired by the colors of a peacock, there were some peacock accents. My mom decided last Christmas that she just HAD to buy us a 4 ft. LED peacock, the type that you put out in the yard. Well when she got here, Lowe's home improvement was all out, she was so excited to get it for us, and so disappointed when she couldn't get it. I really didn't want it, but didn't have the heart to tell her that. I thought that I had dodged the bullet. Well she found one this year and mailed it to us. So I put it together and placed it on the fireplace hearth. Now I'll decorate the mantle to match. She was so excited when I put it together.
This year I shall have a Christmas peacock instead of a tree!

Our wedding colors were inspired by the colors of a peacock, there were some peacock accents. My mom decided last Christmas that she just HAD to buy us a 4 ft. LED peacock, the type that you put out in the yard. Well when she got here, Lowe's home improvement was all out, she was so excited to get it for us, and so disappointed when she couldn't get it. I really didn't want it, but didn't have the heart to tell her that. I thought that I had dodged the bullet. Well she found one this year and mailed it to us. So I put it together and placed it on the fireplace hearth. Now I'll decorate the mantle to match. She was so excited when I put it together.

We need a picture!!!!!:clap:
This year I shall have a Christmas peacock instead of a tree!

Our wedding colors were inspired by the colors of a peacock, there were some peacock accents. My mom decided last Christmas that she just HAD to buy us a 4 ft. LED peacock, the type that you put out in the yard. Well when she got here, Lowe's home improvement was all out, she was so excited to get it for us, and so disappointed when she couldn't get it. I really didn't want it, but didn't have the heart to tell her that. I thought that I had dodged the bullet. Well she found one this year and mailed it to us. So I put it together and placed it on the fireplace hearth. Now I'll decorate the mantle to match. She was so excited when I put it together.
LOL! Can't wait to see a pic! We always had a real tree. The first year I was in living away from home, when I got home to find the tree had been put up in the family room (which was in the basement) and it was not a pretty tree. We spun it around in the stand (ornaments went flying). We decided the tree was not cut straight and so we hauled it out to the garage and cut it a bit, put it back in the stand, hauled it back in, still didn't like it, spun it around some more...hauled it upstairs and put it in its regular spot in the living room. Unbeknownst to us, while we were playing spin the Christmas tree, the neighbor across the street was watching us from his garage...he got a good laugh and told that story for years.
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Ok a little late, but here it is. It's apparently tricky to take pictures of LED lights with a phone, but you get the idea.


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