Clafouti Flop

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Senior Cook
Apr 4, 2007
Janesville, Wisconsin
I tried baking my first cherry clafouti today, and it didn't turn out quite the way I would have liked. I guess I thought that a clafouti was more of a cake, but I should have realized that with 6 eggs in it, it would be a bit more custard like. It tasted just fine. I just think it didn't bake long enough. The recipe had it baking for 30 minutes at 400 degrees. It sure looks to me like it could have gone for another 10 minutes. Maybe some of you more experienced bakers can tell by looking at the finished product if that was the problem or if it might be something else. I'm going to use the same recipe again, only I'll be using raspberries and this time I'm baking for 40 minutes. We'll see what happens. I'm also posting the recipe for anyone that's interested.

Cherry Clafouti (skillet)
10” skillet

2 tbs. butter
6 large eggs
1 ¼ cups milk
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tbs. brandy
1 tbs. vanilla extract
¼ tsp. salt
¾ cup all purpose flour
1 pkg. (12oz.) frozen cherries; thawed
1 pint black cherries; optional
Confectioners sugar

Pre-heat oven to 400ºF.
Liberally smear skillet with butter.
Put eggs, milk, sugar, brandy, vanilla extract, and salt into a blender and mix until smooth.
Add the flour and mix everything until smooth.
Put cherries into the skillet and pour the batter over them. Do not stir.
Bake for about 30 minutes until the clafouti is puffed and golden.
Sprinkle with confectioners sugar for serving.


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That certainly looks like Clafouti to me. It is more like a custard than cake. Raspberry sounds GOOD!
:LOL: I thought the title was the name of the actual dish, like Raspberry Fool.....

It might also be a good name for a new dance.
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It may look like clafouti, but it really shouldn't be that runny, should it? I thought it's be quite a bit firmer. We'll see what happens with the raspberry version.
I guess I can't see from the picture that it is runny. Much more cooking and the top will burn. Maybe cover with foil for the first twenty minutes.
Yeah, the picture isn't that good. There was what I felt to be quite a bit of liquid. That's what made me think of runny. I like your idea of covering with foil. I'll try that and see what happens. Thank you! :)
The raspberry clafouti turned out great! The extra time was the key, but PrincessFiona's suggestion of covering it with foil for 20 minutes was spot on.

Here's a picture of the finished product.


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Comparing the two, you can see the first one was baked too hot. The top is much darker and the interior was not cooked through.

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