Condiments For Your Dogs Food???

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I think that every one who owns a dog has just been sucker punched. What a sham. I heard an interview of a vet and according to them most animals cannot distinguish a variety of tastes. Gourmet pet food - what next.
my dog is spoiled... but he ain't THAT
spolied. i'm with norges... what a crock
of you know what and a huge waste of my
hard earned money that i can spend on things
we need such as milk, bread, etc...
I got a pop-up ad for that stuff a couple weeks ago. I'm sure they will sell a ton of it to a lot of people with more money than brains. I do think dogs like some spices (we had a dog who went nuts over ginger cookies), but it is a lot cheaper to sprinkle a little spice on their food (if you were so inclined) than to buy that stuff. It would be nice if we could convince those people to, instead of spending the money on that stuff for dog condiments, use the money instead to buy some food for a homeless shelter.

:) Barbara
Not available in stores!

Maybe because it's harder to scam pet store owners than it is to scam the general public?

Now on the other hand... hmm... I wouldent mind a little bottle of roast beef or bacon sauce for my self. ;)
LOL - If you're dumb enough to buy it - somebody will be smart enough to make it and sell it to you .....

Just put some peanut butter on a piece of bread ... they will enjoy it for a long time .... and it doesn't harm them!
Granted, this is ridiculous - I'm not buying sauces to top my dog's food, but I don't believe for a minute that an animal can't distinguish between different flavors. That's just silly. For one thing, I have a senior cat who is exceedingly picky about his flavors of canned foods (he can't eat the dry stuff anymore). We always have 2 or 3 cans in the fridge for him to chose from at mealtime. And if you saw the craziness that ensues with my dog when I get the ice cream container out of the freezer, you would never say that he can't taste different foods. He's insane over ice cream.

If vets say they can't differentiate between flavors, they are not a vet who understands animal behavior. Sure, they can survive on one type of food. So could we as long as it had the nutritional daily requirements. And if that is all they care about, I wouldn't have them as my animal's vet. My animals deserve the best I can give them. They give so much to me in return, it's the least I can do.

I personally belive (although I am pulling this out of my @@$) that any vet that say's pet's do not differenciate flavors is wrong. For one smell is the biggest component of taste (ever eaten with a cold?) and most animals can smell a lot better than us.

Also they are much more dependant on selecting food by taste than we are, it's not like we need to decided on a nearly daily basis if something is good for us or poisonous depending on the flavor.

Now on the other hand I doubt animals have any kind of criteria in their taste, I assume an animal will gladly eat something it likes every day, every chance it gets, while humans derive more entertainment from their food.
I know they can distinguish -
that's why my dog will devour tomato juice or a tomato cooked in beef broth, but will leave a fresh one on the ground.

But, also remember, dogs will eat the stuff you shovel in the back yard,
but nothing rancid.

and cats can eat rotten stuff without dying.

My theory - gourmet stuff for animals is for folks who don't have children.
They treat them as their babies, which, sometimes is quite good -
people with pets they love and talk to, live longer.

You couldn't get me to buy anything like doggie condiments, tho'
Well I don't have children and I don't buy condiments for topping Grommit's food either. We might not have kids, but we're not goofy either. :) I do talk to them though. Hey, they listen - about as well as a lot of kids I know.

Hey, come on guys, get real!

Give your carnivorus pet (mostly dog or cat) a REAL treat. Mix 1/2 (one half) jar of vindaloo paste with their meal. You will soon know if they appreciate the difference between bland canned and tasty spiced.

And if they do, (and you may be surprised) watch for the results.

I know it's silly but, I may have to buy some for my *grandbaby*.

CC is my son's dog... she maybe the only grandchild I ever have.. so she gets spoiled.
I have known cats to prefer cokked and spiced food to fresh.

I do not really know about dogs.

I DO KNOW that REAL fish do not like foreign smells on the hand . So do not eat curry etc. before fishing because it gets on the bait when you are puttinig it on the hook.
2 tablespoons of olive oil....she loves it and her coat is if someone knows of a shed-stopping condiment, I would be forever in you debt....

Good to see you back Markf - yep, olive oil on dry food is what my dog gets too. She has a ton of allergies and has to eat special food so I don't even have to contemplate anything like this! lol
We cook for our dogs, thus making our own sauces. And they get steak for their birthdays.
my mother used to put tomato sauce on my dog's gaines burgers, and she ate every bit, every time.
my dog also used to lick the oven rack just after mom took out a roast. it was funny to hear, sss,ssss, sss, ssss until she closed the oven door.

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