Condolences to Dove, her beloved son John passed at 2:40 Nov 13/07

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
John had a pretty fair week but then Saturday night the head aches and vomiting started again. He had a Dr appointment today (Monday) so Sandie called the Dr early this morning and told him what was going on and that she suspected his Platelets were low. He went in and Dr put him into the hospital. He is on pain meds for the headaches and for the nausea. His WBC was almost non-existent and the platelets were very low. So back to the IV's antibiodicts ( He did have a fever)
This time and this is a first he told Sandie "this is where I need to be for a few days"
He is still fighting as hard as he can but I know this is wearing him down.
Marge, my prayers continue to go out for John. May there be a blessing at the end of this trial for all of you.
I may not write you each day, but you are ever in my thoughts. You have all the prayers you want, I'm just wishing it were more. Hang on tight, we all love you.

Hi Marge, I haven't been here for a long time, but I saw your latest news and I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family, and I send you love and hugs. Sandyj
Thanks sandy, welcome back

The Dr at Stanford U. contacted John's Dr. He wanted Kevin ( My other son) to have blood work done. Now they are considering him for the donor...?...Out of 5 matches (of DNA i guess) only two matched. We think the Dr.'s are getting desperate. This is taking a big risk, there is the chance of things not working out the way we hope and pray for. We will know more next week. Keep the Prayers coming.
Hi Marge, I'm new to DC but I've already learned so much from the awesome folks here. I have read this entire thread and my heart breaks for you and John and your whole family. Thank heavens you are such a tight-knit family but I know how exhausting this is for ya'll. You must be a wonderful woman to have so many friends here. It's been really inspiring to read the outpouring of strength and prayers and caring from the DC community to you and your family and I would like to add mine, as well. I'm sending my thoughts and prayers for John and hope that a great match is found tomorrow so that he can get transplanted soon. (If it's not one of his sons, will they be searching the marrow registries?) Anyway, post updates whenever you can and know that you've got another friend in Texas pullin' for all of you.
Love & Peace,
He went home from the hospital today. Now it is a waiting waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Love Y'all
I'm so glad to hear he's home for now. I'll be praying that he stays healthy and gets stronger while he's waiting for a match so he'll be in the best shape possible when he gets the transplant. And make sure John's mama gets some rest, too!;)
Peace & Love,
Marge, did either of the boys test out as a possible donor?

Continued prayers got out for all of you! I hope John gets some rest while he is home so he get stronger.
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