Cooking Book Questions

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Assistant Cook
Dec 3, 2006
Cooking Book Questions...

Hi All,

I was wondering if some of you cooking lovers could help me find a couple of cooking books to get my girlfriend for christmas...

* Firstly, she wants a copy of an old book by Guston Lenotre. She showed it to me on Amazon the other day and I think it was the one called "Lenotre's Desserts And Pastries". Is that the one to get? Also, is amazon the only place I'm likely to find this?

* Secondly, I had this idea of getting her a book on the progression of cooking from a historical point of view. I thought that could be interesting. Any recommendations?

Any other book ideas are welcome!


Welcome aboard npj. I think you mean Gaston Lenotre.

I use several book sellers, including Amazon (who should be sending me a Christmas present for the business I have given them this year).

For older, out of publication books, I generally prefer to use But Amazon is just fine.

As far as a history of cooking, wow. Have a number of books dealing with the cooking of various periods, from the medieval to the relatively recent, but a comprehensive text, no. Sorry, no ideas.

It seems to me that such a tome would be a lifelong work. First of all there are, to simplify, the Western and Asian cuisines. And then one must sub-categorize. Seems like a daunting task to me. One to my knowledge has not been done.

Perhaps you could ask your girlfriend to be a bit more specific.

Sometimes people ask for something, knowing what they want, but do not define it well enough for someone to respond.

Sorry if this is not more help.

Be honest with her, she will appreciate your efforts.

And may you both have a very Merry Christmas.
npj said:
Hi All,

I was wondering if some of you cooking lovers could help me find a couple of cooking books to get my girlfriend for christmas...

* Firstly, she wants a copy of an old book by Guston Lenotre. She showed it to me on Amazon the other day and I think it was the one called "Lenotre's Desserts And Pastries". Is that the one to get? Also, is amazon the only place I'm likely to find this?

* Secondly, I had this idea of getting her a book on the progression of cooking from a historical point of view. I thought that could be interesting. Any recommendations?

Any other book ideas are welcome!


I agree that Amazon and abebooks are both great sites. I usually check alibris and bibliophile as well. I also buy many out-of-print cookbooks on eBay, but it's taken me quite a while to figure out how to ensure that I get what I want in the condition I want it.

I see that you are new here. Welcome to the site. You might check out the "forum listings" page. There is a cookbook forum where this thread would be most appropriate.
Thanks for the replies!

I did mean Gaston Lenotre. I've found that book via a local bookselling site down here in Australia, so that's covered. About the historical book idea, I can narrow it down - timespan: approx. the last 50 years; and the cooking style: western. I know it's a pretty specific thing so if nobody can help out, it's all good.

Thanks again!
I have Food in History by Reay Tannahill and The Food Chronology by James Trager for food histories.
You may want to consider "The Cook's Own Book" (1832) Authored by a Boston housekeeper. It is encyclopedic...contains 2500 recipes.
The Cook's Own Book was the cooking bible for familes, north and south during the war for southern idependence. There is little known of the author (Mrs. N.K.M. Lee) It includes a long treatise on cooking....The recipes can be viewed as the foundation on which cookboks of today are based.


Uncle Bob

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