Cooking & Food Newsgroups

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Senior Cook
Oct 23, 2004
When I decided give up my Swanson's TV dinners (I'm dating myself again ain't I ? :) and learn to cook, I started lurking in various food/cooking newsgroups.. specifically (which is the most frequented group);;;;; and

There are also ethnic specific groups such as Mexican, Chinese, etc... and if you're really into the science of making a good pot of coffee and/or pulling a good shot of espresso.

I'm curious as to how many of you also peruse these newsgroups?

BTW: I've asked this question elsewhere and usually get a response "What are newsgroups?"

This is interesting because virtually all IP's offer newsgroups (you're already paying for them), although few IP's advertise their groups... You need a special binary newsreader to effectively access the massive Usenet 100,000+ topic database... I use the Agent newsreader from, but Windows already has a free newsreader in it, so you're already set.. I'm not sure what it's called or how to use the Windows one though. You can view many text group postings by using "Google" then select "Groups" to get a taste of what they have by topic.. but that's only the tip of the iceburg of information available.

I find these food/cooking newsgroups to be another great Internet source of information on cooking and food.. you might consider checking them out if you haven't already.
Thank you. I don't have time to check into this today, but tomorrow I'm free (suppossed to be in N.O., but that's another story). How do I start? JUst google my interest? step by step please. thank you.

It's very simple (I assume you mean using Google, not the groups per se')...

click on "groups"
then on the search line, type in something like "chuck roast recipe" and click "search"

You'll get a list... at the bottom of each paragraph is says "View Thread (and shows the number of articles" .. click on that.

When the thread appears, I click on "No Frame" so the whole post is on my screen.

Then you might have to click on "Start of Thread" to get the 1st article posted...and the rest is self-evident I think.
I haven't posted to the newsgroups in years. Used to be quite active in it, but gave up when the spamming really got going. Was in a couple of the cooking newsgroups, but was most active in the boating group. or was it rec.boating? It's been so long I don't remember.

I haven't even looked at any newsgroups in over two years.

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