Current technology lingo question

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
First, as a little background, the only "real" technology we own is one desktop computer and a laptop. No smart-type phones, no hand-held computers/pads/tablets. Soooo....

My question is what does it mean when someone says to respond to "hashtag something-or-other?"

Glenn and I were just watching a news report and they referred to this many times. Glenn asked me, "What does THAT mean?"

Told him I didn't know but felt it had something to do with some sort of electronic communicating.
There is an app called Twitter where you can track different people or groups. For instance, I follow some cooking and sports sites/people. The hash tag comes in when a poster wants to create a common link. For example, If I follow the New England Patriots, all conversations on the subject of the Super Bowl would carry a has tag of: #superbowl. That way you can clock on that hash tag and read all related comments.
The same applies to other social media apps like Instagram (for sharing photos) and Facebook. If you see something that starts with the hash # sign with words after it (no spaces) and click on it, you will see all the other posts that were tagged with the same hashtag.

All of this works on desktop and laptop computers, too, not just smartphones and tablets.
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To me, these hashtags, which I don't use, are like 'indexing', in a book. Let's say you have a topic like 'root canals' which you write about, then in the index you could look up '#rootcanals'.
:LOL: #answertoKatieHquestion
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Blonde Leb...Afghani Gold Seal...there was a Red Leb I recall...
All good for brownies, by the way. (keeping it within culinary guidlines:D)

Truly within culinary guide lines, including Teas!:D Might just be in the realm of smoking stuff!:angel:
Thank you Andy, GG and Blissful - I too, never :wacko: have understood the "hashtag".

I "sorta" knew but you 3 have explained it beautifully ... THANKS!

and Thanks to Katie for asking! :LOL:
And now knowing how the # works, I also know I will never have a reason to use it. Thanks everyone.
Hashtags can be very funny as well.

You can make a statement, then add a hashtag that makes a joke or snarky comment to "tag" on.

If anyone has ever read Texts From Mittens on, you know what I mean.
Haha....I had to look that up, bucky. Good one. :LOL:

Like a few of you have mentioned, hashtags can come in handy at times. Once in a while if I'm waiting at an appointment with time to kill, I'll enter a hashtag for something I'm interested in - usually cooking related, or what's going on politically. :D

It sure can be over used at times, though. :huh:

There's a pretty good video on youtube from a couple of years back of Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake making fun of the hashtag craze. :)
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I basically know what Twitter is, but have never used it. It seems twitter is not for people who are...

A. Impulsive -- I think that has been well documented.

B. Known to drink a wee bit -- those 2AM tweets can come back to haunt you.

C. Have important things to do -- like earn a living

I basically know what Twitter is, but have never used it. It seems twitter is not for people who are...

A. Impulsive -- I think that has been well documented.

B. Known to drink a wee bit -- those 2AM tweets can come back to haunt you.

C. Have important things to do -- like earn a living

CD [emoji3]
A teensy bit of a generalization... You might be surprised at what you can learn on Twitter...
A teensy bit of a generalization... You might be surprised at what you can learn on Twitter...

Agreed! I'm not a member, but I've gathered quite a bit of info there. Some friends of mine are members and have managed to not let it interfere with earning a living. :D
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