CWS....look what I found...!

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Cheryl J

Chef Extraordinaire
Jun 4, 2012


  • chicken-shoes-min_1024x1024.jpg
    36.9 KB · Views: 173
There's a pretty cute matching tote bag at the link, too! :chicken: :LOL:
Merry Christmas to you and yours, CWS. :)
"Holy purple chickens, Batman!" These shoes are definitely right up your alley, CWS.

I just did a search for "purple chicken shoes" and came up with all kinds of goodies. I use Bing so your search engine may have a different assortment.
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You are going to be so stylish with those shoes and a tot bag to go with them. Perfect for midnight Christmas services.
Those are awesome! CWS, you deserve those chicken shoes, for all the details you've been handed. I hope your Dad gets them for you.:)
CWS those shoes were meant for walking...!

Love it!
I will be the one on the plane in January heading back to Ontario with my chicken accessories! Look for me at the airport in MPS and Detroit! I was once asked if I was a model going through I will be known as the chicken lady!!!:LOL:
I will be the one on the plane in January heading back to Ontario with my chicken accessories! Look for me at the airport in MPS and Detroit! I was once asked if I was a model going through I will be known as the chicken lady!!!:LOL:

Who knows. You just may start a fashion trend!
I'm glad you liked them!

Katie, those are really cute ones you linked to as well. Who knew there were so many purple chicken shoes out there? :LOL:
Try to say that 3x fast.

Purple chicken sneakers.
Purple chicken sneakers
Purple chicken sneakers...
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