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Washing Up
Oct 23, 2006
New Jersey
no more smoking.:ermm:

My plan was to start Saturday, but that didn't work. My first time on the patch, it seems to be pretty effective.
I found that I had to chew gum with the patch because it seemed the nicotine flowed into my mouth and tasted metallic.

Good luck!
Good for you, Jeekinz!

I quit many years ago, and I believe that one of the most positive things you can do is to begin to SEE yourself as a 'non-smoker' rather than a smoker that is trying to quit. Part of that is declaring your intentions to a supportive group such as this and your loved ones. We all know that it is difficult, and can appreciate your struggle. You will want to smoke again, especially in times of stress (well, for me anyway). But remember... you are now a non-smoker. Congratulations.

Congratulations, J!! I wouldn't say "good luck", because I know you will make it through!!
Yes, that is one of the most important keys to success, never let your confidence buckle, and keep believing in yourself.
Then, take it one day at a time, sounds like a cheesy clichè, but it is so true, if you are concerned about remaining smoke free just for today, it is not such a drama, but it becomes an awful drama when you start thinking about "how the heck I am going to deal with the rest of my entire life without smoking?".
Trust also in time... right now it may seem impossible, but it WILL get easier as the time go by. Fill your time with all the things you enjoy doing, keep your mind and hand busy.

Keep us posted how you are doing, we are all cheering for ya!!
Saturday I lasted up to 2pm. You should have seen it, I go into my local home center to buy a few things and I was putting items in my cart that were already there! :wacko: Then, as I was driving home, my brain was so out of it, I almost rear-ended another car.:huh:

I dealt with the crazyness as long as I could.:blink:

It's definately difficult. I'm 32 and have been smoking since I was about 12-13.
I quit in 2000. I use the gum and found it very effective because: 1) hands used to open it etc 2) mouth action and smoking is very oral, 3) I could control the burst of nicotine by how fast or slow I chewed etc.

If you follow the program they start you at one or two pieces an hour and you step down each week for 12 weeks. If you really follow the step by step program it can work.

mind set is important too ... not I am trying to quit, but I have quit and this will help me stay that way. Support from friends family etc is crucial. And if you don't make it the first time, ok...try again! I didn't succeed the first time but I learned what didn't work for me, so I didn't screw up again.

Lots of us were long time heavy smokers. So don't give up. If you want to quit, you can.
I quit 4 years ago, but have been sneaking one in now and then as of last 3-4 month, teribble habbit.
I think you have to have your mind ready and prepaired to quit, I had acupuncture and it worked for nine months, then I was having a drink with a friend (who smokes) and decided I could have one puff - Wrong the biggest mistake, - guess I wasn't ready! :( still enjoy it sorry, but I will try again when Iam ready. But Acupucture does work !! Good luck to you !!!
I used the patch to quit, 12 years ago. Was successful quitting the first time trying.

The patch definitely helped calm the "crazies" and got me through it.

Good luck, Jeekinz!

The biggest piece of advice I can give you is... When you have gone a little while without and you think to yourself "I wonder if I could smoke just one." the answer is NO!!! If you don't give in once you will not have to start all over. Best of luck to you. You are giving yourself and your loved ones the best gift of all, Time. Time with you here, healthy and happy.
Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I ever tried to do....................until I got my head in the right place. Then it was one of the easiest things I'd ever done. If you backslide don't beat yourself up. Just keep working at it. One day, suddenly, it will become easy. I promise!

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