DC Has Been Sooooo Slooooooow!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
DC has been much slower than usual for the past few days. Other sites I access are fine. It's just DC.

Anyone else notice this?
Yep. Pages are taking longer to load, often accompanied by a commercial running in the background. I hear the voice, but click off rather than see exactly what is playing.
It seems to be whatever is being downloaded from cdn.discusscooking.com. I see that URL at the bottom of the window and sometimes it seems to hang. Sucks since I use a Firefox add-on that blocks ads.
DC is actually the fastest loading site I use.
Since we don't have signature pics and fluff all over the place, DC is a nice reprieve from the rest of the internet.

I noticed someone complained about an ad. I have never seen even one ad on this forum or any other site I visit.
If you are seeing ads, you should ask how to never see one again for free.
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It's been extremely slow here to.
I've done all the usual updates that should be done regularly.
Still hasn't helped. Some pages takes 2+ minutes to load.
It's slow to even post a reply. We wait and wait some more...
I just replaced my iPad with a new model, and the DC app is now a lot faster for me than it was on the old iPad. With the old one, I was getting booted off all the time, and replies to posts would take forever to load, and then disappear.
This is something new, too.


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DC has been running faster for me since the latest Firefox update that eliminated that pesky add on bar at the bottom of the page which was taking up too much valuable screen space.
I haven't noticed it being a regular thing, but I'm moving pretty slow myself lately. Guess DC and I are runni walking at the same speed.

...Other sites I access are fine. It's just DC....
Feel free to stop by tonight to see how long it takes for me to load MLB.com. And bring along a generous portion of your favorite adult beverage if I don't have it in stock. ;) The audio player will take almost 10 minutes from "click" to sound.
Okay, I take it back. I had been getting hung up at "waiting for cdn.discusscooking.com" for awhile now.

However, it seems to get hung up longer and longer as I stay on DC for longer periods.

If I close Firefox and reopen it, it starts up without hanging - at first. Then again, longer and longer as I stay on DC
I was given to administrate a vBulletin site now with a Shoutbox, and I've noticed the Shoutbox runs slowly sometimes. I've come here to find DC to run slowly also, but for some reason another vBulletin site is normal and fast.

I thought it may be the Shoutbox that was slowing us down there, but no. I thought also perhaps I was administrator it was slow, but no. Today everything is fast as normal.

I think this is very funny. When I click the Post Quick Reply box, it tells me: Posting Quick Reply - please wait! HA!
I'm thinking it's almost time for a laptop upgrade, lots of things are running slow. I keep getting the vBulletin Database Error and ERROR 503 (?).
I'm thinking it's almost time for a laptop upgrade, lots of things are running slow. I keep getting the vBulletin Database Error and ERROR 503 (?).

It's running OK for me on a 7 year old laptop. I also try to keep it tidy and get rid of programs that I don't use often. Also make sure that there aren't things running in the background that could be slowing things down.

Yes a tech head like me is running a 7 year old laptop! I keep replacing parts as they fail in a stubborn attempt to see how long I can make this thing last without it costing me a fortune. Seriously pieces of plastic fall off all the time, and I've replaced the fan and hard drive, but this thing refuses to give up the ghost!

I'm wondering if it is an ad that's making it run slow for some, I use an ad blocker and have had no issues with load times.

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