Describe your current surroundings

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Executive Chef
Jun 24, 2005
Native New Mexican, now live in Bellingham, WA
As I type, it's a clear dark night. Callum is wide awake in my lap, I'm holding him in one arm and typing with my left hand. DH is downstairs reading books to Aidan while they lie in bed. The house is clean, I spent all day doing so. It's quiet, just my husband's voice reading peacefully. 33F degrees outside.:sleep:
DH channel surfing between the Grammys and basketball ..............I just don't understand today's music.........just alot of noise. My puppy asleep by his side.
I'm at work listening to Gary Numan music on Winamp. I'm eating a spicy tuna salad concoction I made before coming to work. I'm surrounded by TVs and Computers.
morning,cold and foggy out, fixing to get ready and take my doggie to the groomers... venturing out in the cold no fun... even if it is Fl...
Listening to the morning news, 18 wheeler crashed and killed the driver. Was hauling tile and it's all over a major highway. DH is singing while he's getting ready for work.
My bedroom is in the living room. Someone needs to make the bed. LOL
I'm sitting at our computer, the shade on the bedroom window is up and for once the afternoon is off to a sunny start. I'm alone in the house and am not listening to anything but the sound of the computer and my fingers on the keyboard. The room itself is chilly, it almost always is because it's an old building with stone walls, zillions of drafts and no insulation. I'm wrapped in a fleece blanket and smiling as I read everyone else's descriptions of their own surroundings :)
I'm sitting downstairs at the computer, drinking a cup of decaf coffee. I just got my teenager off to jr. high and am now trying to get as much "stuff" done before my sweet baby wakes up - oh, and i did 50 sit ups - had to include that because that is a rare! Happy Day!
i'm at my desk/bench, computer in front of me, keyboard to the side (it's really tough to type 1 handed and sideways), while i'm repairing a switch module for one of our air switchers. it was our spare, and when i tried to use it the other night, it caused the system to freak out. there musta been a short somewhare, so i soldered out all of the questionable looking and broken switches, replaced them and all of the lamps, and now i have to put it back in a system for a test. there's a tv on behind me with cnbc's market news, and another with cbs programming on ("the price is right").

my desk is a mess with spare parts, tools, a soldering station, a stack of disk drives to test, schematics and prints, recipes :chef: , and i keep pushing my chair into an oscilloscope that the guy next to me is using. i keep getting dirty looks.
My desk and computer are in my bedroom. My bed is not made and the room is lit only by a bankers lamp on my desk and a low wattage tiffany lamp on my bedside table. I haven't opened the blinds yet, so it's pretty dark except on my desktop (and even that is not too brightly lit). I'm having my second cup of coffee and catching up with various message boards and email as I listen to Faith Hill on the radio.

Opening blinds and making bed next.
Sofie's down for a rare nap so I'm trying to do a million things at once since I never know if she'll be asleep for 5 minutes or 45 minutes (please let it be 45!). I'm in the kitchen, It's sunny but cold (29 out), I'm eating leftover creamy rosemary chicken pot pie with rosemary dumplings that I made Sunday and have the noon news on softly in the background. Next on the list(s), check my forums, clean a bathroom, straighten Sofie's room, run a load of wash.....and on and on!
I'm sitting at the computer hearing my dh make grinding noises in the garage. I think he is about ready to sandblast some icky part of his new(old) tractor he bought on ebay. I need to get busy, but I've been to Curves, done my turn in the prayer room, had lunch and have about 2 hours to do good before I have to pick up my grandson from school. All the jobs I see seem to be longer than 2 hours, but I will make an effort.
Sitting at my (very messy) desk in the office.
Window is open and the sun is out! Sky is blue.
If I get look in the right direction I can see part of Mt. Rainier.
It's truely a beautiful day. I can hear the chickens clucking
and my kitty is sleeping on the stairs. Paul's at work and all
is good in my world.
Running in to check on you guys. Got to get ready to go to a funeral. Keep an eye on my puppy while I'm gone, you all, be back about 2ish.
Sunny day here too pds! What a welcome change!
Aidan is downstairs, watching a movie and believe it or not, he's sitting still! Callum is asleep in my left arm and he grunts with each exhale. Munching on some toast with a praline spread, drinking my favorite hot tea. Spoke to soon, Aidan is now turning on and off the lights :) My feet are cold.
Well. I'm trying to post this and Carson is standing, holding on to the pull out shelf that holds the keyboard and is trying to type for me:LOL: Then when he can't he gets down and tried to shut off the computer by pushing buttons..:LOL: Guess I'd better pick him up, it's time to go get brother Cade from kindergarten..Be back in a few I hope

corazon90 said:
Sunny day here too pds! What a welcome change!
Aidan is downstairs, watching a movie and believe it or not, he's sitting still! Callum is asleep in my left arm and he grunts with each exhale. Munching on some toast with a praline spread, drinking my favorite hot tea. Spoke to soon, Aidan is now turning on and off the lights :) My feet are cold.

lol, i love your descriptions of aidan and callum. that must be fun, albeit exhausting.
It's cold, kingy rainy today. I have finished all my housework chores and grocery shopping for today. Word of caution, don't ever retired before your wife, they can think up to many chores for you to do while they are at work...

My computer is on a small table in one corner of my living room. It is nearest to the heater, so it is in the warmer part of the room. My dog, like middie's, is lying at my feet, but he only weighs about 50 lbs. NASCAR is on the TV. Soon I will be watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. I still have jeans and a t-shirt on from work. I have not changed into my comfy clothes, yet.
I'm back at the computer again, only this time all ALONE:LOL: In between cruising the forum, I've mopped the kitchen,gone over the wood floor in the dining room and wet mopped the tile hallway,taken starter out for bread. Now I need to gather my wits and get ready to go grocery shopping and pick up some vanletines candy for Ethan and Cade..It will be nice to go out today, it's been sunny and in the 70's the last 2 days and today will be the same..Let's just see how much I get done:LOL: I started cleaning the plants from away from the fish pond yesterday and can hardly wait to go plant something...


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