Development of drugs that simulate psychological effects of alcohol

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Senior Cook
Jan 12, 2008
Edinburgh, Scotland
There exist, in very early stages of development (if you know otherwise, I'm interested) drugs that exhibit the same psycholgical effects of alcohol (relaxation, reduced inhibitions/anxiety etc) but without the toxicity. There is an ethical question regarding whether or not it is appropriate to market a psychoactive drug with these properties. Arguments tend to rely on the suggestion that alcohol is only accepted because of its historical origins (and is goverened as a food stuff, rather than a drug).

I would like to start a discussion on the ethics of the development of such a drug for the mutual benefit of us all (the disccusion; not the drug).

Suggested reading:
New drug has alcohol effect 'without the hangover' | the Daily Mail
Now a drug that gives you that alcohol buzz, but without a hangover — JSCMS
Howstuffworks "How Synthehol Works"
i've heard that even the ugly rats start to look better to the baboons after taking these drugs...:cool:

but the rats still tell them "not on their best day". and they dress that way for themselves...:)

i take a sleeping pill, once in a while, that somewhat mimicks the effects of alcohol. i mean, if you get past the initial sleepy part, it feels an awful lot like being drunk. including the loss of coordinaashu.... coordanishu... coord-i-nay.... loss of motor skills.

hey, what's your sign? i'm a feces.
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From your description it 'sounds' allot like Valium.

Is Valium ethical?

What about weed?

The trick is to make a mixture of molecules that deliver the beneficial effects - such as relaxation and sociability - without the the aggression, nausea and loss of co-ordination that can cause drinkers and their victims so much grief.


I'm afraid the only question is if a pharmaceutical company can make money from it.
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From your description it 'sounds' allot like Valium.

Is Valium ethical?

What about weed?

The trick is to make a mixture of molecules that deliver the beneficial effects - such as relaxation and sociability - without the the aggression, nausea and loss of co-ordination that can cause drinkers and their victims so much grief.


I'm afraid the only question is if a pharmaceutical company can make money from it.

they can make money off anything.

I am suspicious of any "wonder drug" created in a lab..

There are tons of parmeceuticals on the market that are inteded as medical but are used recreationally. All have some sort of side effects and most are highly addictive. (my neighborhood is full of prime examples of the effects of addiction to parmeceuticals)

so far as weed... lets see its a PLANT that requires no precessing you cant really OD and its less addictive than alcohol.... does this make it ethical I dont know but its main side effect is LAZYNESS which can be pretty annoying but certainly not as destrive as some other things.

I think though that if they find a use for this developmental drug it will be perscribed medically not a legal recreational drug I just dont see it happening. Nicotene and Alcohol are ingraned in society but I dont think we will be leagalizing any new drugs.

Any drug can be abused but some really cant not. there is responsible recreational use of alcohol and weed (IMHO) but not of heroin or meth for example.
I think alot of people will have trouble taking a popped drug over alcohol. I know that when I go out and have a good time, I would rather have a drink (or four) than pop some pills. I enjoy the taste of my drinks and I wouldn't give that up to take a pill when I don't drink to get drunk anyways.
I think alot of people will have trouble taking a popped drug over alcohol. I know that when I go out and have a good time, I would rather have a drink (or four) than pop some pills. I enjoy the taste of my drinks and I wouldn't give that up to take a pill when I don't drink to get drunk anyways.

But you're really only considering your own point of view. These pills aren't to replace alcohol for those who enjoy drinking, but rather for those who feel the need to drink for its effects, if they so desire. I only drink so I'm confident enough to talk to people I don't know and/or dance (with the right friends, this is probably redundant) and personally, would rather take the pill and avoid the toxicity of alcohol. Courses for horses. But I think that the option should exist.

If coordination could be maintained then all the better. I'm not certain whether that's possible. It depends on which receptors need and need not to be affected. I'd forgo my coordination for the other effects though, just as many people do every day, using what is for the intentions of some, an inferior substance. I never seem to become aggressive and think that property must depend on characteristics of the person involved.
I think alot of people will have trouble taking a popped drug over alcohol.

It's so sweet and innocent of you to think so.

Read what Poncho wrote, "my neighborhood is full of prime examples of the effects of addiction to pharmaceuticals"

I guess you haven't heard of "Pharm Parties".

Alot may not take a pill but I suspect many, MANY will.

I know that when I go out and have a good time, I would rather have a drink (or four) than pop some pills. I enjoy the taste of my drinks and I wouldn't give that up to take a pill when I don't drink to get drunk anyways.

But thats you.

And your young, give it time.
I see nothing wrong ethically with creating a substance that would mimic the effects of alcohol. I am of the opinion that if someone wants to take something into their body then they should be able to do so as long as it does not adversely affect anyone else. That is where it gets tricky though.

As for where PanchoHambre said that the main side effect of pot is laziness, I have to completely disagree with that statement. That is often the opinion of people who have had no experience (be it first hand or otherwise) with the drug (and I am not saying that panchoHambre has or has not had any experiences). Yes it can make people lazy, but it can also make people motivated and energized and more active then they would be otherwise, but this is really a discussion outside of the realm of the OP's original topic.
As for where PanchoHambre said that the main side effect of pot is laziness, I have to completely disagree with that statement. That is often the opinion of people who have had no experience (be it first hand or otherwise) with the drug (and I am not saying that panchoHambre has or has not had any experiences). Yes it can make people lazy, but it can also make people motivated and energized and more active then they would be otherwise, but this is really a discussion outside of the realm of the OP's original topic.

Side effect should have been preceeded by "negative" it is true that I know people who are more creative and productive with a litte weed. It defintley can encourage those who are allready tend to sloth to be even lazier as well. My main point was simply that that this is the worst thing to come of cannabis use (perhaps not good for your lungs to smoke it) and I guess you could consider the munchies a negative.... yet US society does not consider its recreational use ethical and is suspicious of its medical use even though it has considerably less negative effect than many legal substances. My arguement being that if this is illegal I hardly can imagine a new designer drug being leagalized.

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