Dinner Bell!!!! Wednesday, Dec 17th!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Washing Up
Jan 16, 2006
I'm hungry all ready! But after two nights of leftovers, I'm READY to COOK!!!

What you folks havin??
My mom and I will be baking italian cookies all day so dinner will be a pot of beef barley soup I start around noon - maybe some fresh bread too, and of course, cookies!
My mom and I will be baking italian cookies all day so dinner will be a pot of beef barley soup I start around noon - maybe some fresh bread too, and of course, cookies!

That sounds YUM Michelemarie!!! And perfect for a day like we are having here in Texas. :)
either potato pancakes or chicken parmigiana..... depending on how I feel after work.
I'm hoping to get to those burgers, fries and lazy golumpki I didn't have last night.
Last night I ended up using some leftover breakfast stuff from Sunday to make a couple breakfast sandwiches and also had a bowl of jalapeno soup, before freezing the rest. So sometime today I'll be getting to those burgers.
I am going to make a pasta/cauliflower/broccoli/chicken dish....need something not too involved as I would like to do a little more baking tonight.

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I have a couple of stewing hens and think I will put them on and make stock, then chicken noodle soup. DH is feeling a bit better and went to work but my cold is getting worse and am really not into eating anything but soup.
I have a pork roast thawing..it if finishes in time we'll have that if not... soup and sandwiches
I think there might be a possibility that we will go out tonight. Must check with tha hubster to see!!!
tonight will either be chili mac or something else made from hamburger. thawed it out yesterday but then ate out so we need to cook it tonight.

hub thinks he'll be home late - flew to dallas this AM to go to the car auction (he drives for a used-car dealer here) so it will be pushing 7:00 pm when he gets in, so I think the chili mac can sit on the stove and wait for him to show up.

any other ideas?
Tacos sound good to me scoobagirl.
or hamburger pie but then I'm in Seattle and it's cold here.
I (burp) need to figure out something else for supper :rolleyes:



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I've been cheating too much...So says my blood glucose tester...
Maybe some grilled chicken...a little broccoli...or green beans....NO Starches!!
Yea, tacos would be good, can get it all ready and then whip up the taco meat after he gets home.

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