Dinner Effort for Thursday, 4/2

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Tonight's Stuffed, Baked Pork Chop, Steamed Green Beans, and Leftie Spanish Rice....... SoS.....

Pork Chop, Stuffed.jpg
Been trying to make some of our favorites during this goofy time.

For many years I made a meatball dish that our children lapped up.

It was called "Mrs. Schneider's Giant Meatballs" and I have no idea where I found he recipe.

Soooo good.

Perhaps you will try itl

(Serves 6)

1½ lbs. ground beef
1 cup homemade breadcrumbs
1 medium onion, minced
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. freshly ground black pepper
1 or 2 cloves garlic, minced
½ cup milk (about)
2 Tbsp. vegetable shortening

½ lb. sliced fresh mushrooms
2 Tbsp. butter
2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 cup strained beef stock or broth
1 (8-oz.) can tomato sauce
½ tsp. oregano
½ tsp. basil
Salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to

Combine beef, onion, +breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, garlic, and add enough milk to moisten – no more than ½ cup. Mix thoroughly and with wet hands form into meatballs about the size of an orange. Brown in 2 tablespoons shortening, turning to color on all sides. Remove and pour off grease, but leave brown bits in pan.

Next, to make gravy, melt butter in same pan and sauté mushrooms. When lightly colored, sprinkle with flour, slowly add beef stock, stirring to scrape up all browned pieces. Add tomato sauce and seasonings. Simmer until thickened. Return meatballs to pan and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Remove cover and simmer for another 5 minutes, basting several times to coat meatballs.
Very simple supper, a country omelette with feta, and toast on the side. I really like that whole grain and sunflower seed bread for toast.
Spicy meatballs, lamb and ground round, wit a walnut romesco sauce in homemade pita, and a rate bottle of ale for me.


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That's a pretty tasty ale you have there, medtran. We like KY Bourbon barrel ale.

No effort put forth here tonight. All I had to do was reheat the pot of French onion soup I made yesterday. Topped it with toasted baguette and Fontina cheese, and popped under the broiler for a minute...too long.
I'd like an order of those meatballs and a pizza please!! YUM!!!

We just had leftovers here. The chicken fried steak from last night and the chicken legs and sweet potatoes from earlier in the week. 20200402_191906.jpg20200402_191807.jpg
Day 21 of Voluntary Self Containment
(geez, I guess we're way ahead of the curve eh?)
Cook whatcha got and stay home, be well everyone
I have only been away from home twice since March 3 - once to a doctor's appointment and once to pick up DH at the airport when he returned the rental car after taking his father home to MI. I didn't even get out of the car for that one lol

Tonight I used leftover pork chops and salsa verde to make pork tacos. Homemade refried beans with red salsa, lime juice and cheese on the side.
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I'm not sure how long I've been staying home, but I went to the ophthalmologist on 11 March, to the pharmacy for a pneumonia vaccination on 12 March and since then I have taken the garbage to the curb once and recycling to the bin near the curb once.
Pressure cooked short ribs with rice, bbq sauce, and carrots. Cut tbe meat off of the short ribs and threw the bones, one chopoed onion, 3 cloves of garlic, and a large, chunked carrot back in the PC along with2 cups of water. Cooked under pressure for 1 hour. The liqid was reduced by two thirds. Oh, a cup of white mushroom slices was also in the pot. This all made an icredible stock that when chilled became a firm gelatine
So rich and good. Can't hardly wait to make more
Need more good bones.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
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I made a skillet dinner with chicken thighs, potatoes, onions, green peppers and mushrooms.
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