Dinner, Friday August 8

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Maverick I'll take ANY cut!! Its pretty hard to go wrong with prime rib!
And Kadesma, my neighbor just brought me a handful of tomatoes (deep red and yellow) the other day and they were the tastiest tomatoes I have EVER had in my life!! I just ate them with salt and pepper...didn't even need EVOO! Really inspired me to grow my own next season! I just hope those darn beetles don't come back next year!
You guys are making me want to go back to the store and get a couple more of these... I got it because it was $2.49/lb and I thought that was a good price. It is on the table resting right now and looks and smells great, I will let you know how it turns out.
And....I have a new friend we named Apaloosa.....
We had grilled chicken wings, marinated flank steak and grilled lobster tail. All these accompanied fire roasted quesadillas (jack and cheddar cheese, grilled mango, onion and pepper, lemon juice, cilantro) and fire roasted corn on the cob.

While we were eating, a spotted stray cat joined us. The name apaloosa seemed appropriate, considering he/she's ah...spots.

We have flan with a caramel jus for dessert. We've been enjoying bluesharks as our cocktail of choice.

I'm trying to shake the dust of Rochester from my feet.....
$2.49/lb!!! :shock: That's almost worth the drive for me. I'd pick up some more.

I seared my hunks-o-pork on the grill and they're in the PC now smellin' up the house. mmmm. Corn is on the grill now, pluse some carrots in the bottom of the PC. Won't be long.
But now I have a taste for brownies...... Peanut Buster Parfaits are on sale I saw..... that may have to do :) I'll have two.
I think I might just do that, and pick up a decent carving knife as well LOL. Then if I want I can turn em into steaks for the grill or pan searing. The roast turned out awesome, and did remind me of Prime Rib. Lots left over so I guess tomorrow I will try my hand at some Au Ju for French Dip sandwiches...
Here is the end result, I thought it was the perfect amount of pink in it:


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This was at Tony's Finer Foods. We shop a combination of places including Moo & Oink, Pete's, Tony's, and the Berwyn Fruit Market. Everything else we get at ALDI.
Awesome looking, Mav. I'll have that piece in the lower left.... dang! You was cookin'!

Here's mine. I took the meat off the grill, threw it in the PC with some carrots and chicken broth, plated it, and cut it with a fork. The corn was extra sweet today. I'm glad I didn't s&p it all the way around.


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Lookin Good Pacanis, man I am still waiting for my PC LOL. Maybe for my birthday I will get one, along with a good carving knife and bread knife (I want the guide too for making perfect slices).
Yea, I think I did pretty good cookin tonight. The wife and kids especially loved the roasted potatoes that went with it, but I am craving that sweet corn and the carrots! LOL.
Uh, hey, did anyone make the dessert tonight??
Thanks, Mav. Between the carrots and the sweet corn, I think I'm on a sugar buzz :-p
Had a big basket of tomatoes from the garden, as well as basil,onions,and several red peppers, sooo a nice marinara is simmering with porcini mushrooms added to get rid of them, will put this over some penne, have a nice green salad with more of those tomatoes and garlic parmesan bread and that is it for today..Made some brownies this morning and that is dessert.

that's it! I'm comin over.:ohmy: I wouldn't want you to become bored by those maters.......I have a really really big basket, and I can carry lots:LOL:

fish dredged in masa harina seasoned and lightly fried in butter, scalloped pots, baked apple slices with cranberrys, peas and brussels sprouts, NYT bread with butter.Twix cause I brought some home for the man
we went to the nj state fair today (where whack-a-mole isn't a game, it's justice :cool:), and ate fair food.

we had smoked turkey legs, curly fries, a chicken gyro, hot dogs, and ice cream.

the turkey legs were incredible. i need to get a smoker.
you just reminded me of something Buckty, State Faire food.
isn't it wonderful? how on earth do they come up with such crazy stuff?
it's almost time for the Hot Air Balloon Festival again in Albuquerque in October. last year, we faired on pork chops on a stick, Indian roasted corn on the cob, spam on a stick, Sioux burgers [my personal favorite] cotton candy and dippin dots [that I wouldn't even share with my love.] last year we motor homed it, this year, don't know.
I don't know if you're into junk stores Bucky, but I have seen my fair share of smokers in them. just a thought...
Penne with raw tomato sauce, ie, fresh tomatoes, black olives, garlic, basil, extra virgin olive oil etc, pureed and left chunky.
You guys are making me want to go back to the store and get a couple more of these... I got it because it was $2.49/lb and I thought that was a good price. It is on the table resting right now and looks and smells great, I will let you know how it turns out.

$2.49 a pound??? That is the cheapist I have ever heard for Prime Rib!! Stock up now while the getting is good.
$2.49/lb!!! :shock: That's almost worth the drive for me. I'd pick up some more.

I seared my hunks-o-pork on the grill and they're in the PC now smellin' up the house. mmmm. Corn is on the grill now, pluse some carrots in the bottom of the PC. Won't be long.
But now I have a taste for brownies...... Peanut Buster Parfaits are on sale I saw..... that may have to do :) I'll have two.

What is a PC?

Never mind. Pressure Cooker.:dizzy:

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