Dinner Monday Nov 17th

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Oh, oh..... You didn't say "What's for dinner" :LOL:

I'm probably sticking with leftovers. Or maybe I'll go ahead and turn some of that pulled pork into chili and try out my new Penzeys chili spice. I had to break out the winter tuque today and have had a chill all morning. It's snowing cats and dogs here again. :(
Oh, oh..... You didn't say "What's for dinner" :LOL:

I'm certain it will get changed.... I like watching how they change mysteriously!!!!

Sorry pacanis. Sounds like you have had a bout of weather there in PA. Send that rain here to Texas! We could use it!
Dh has ordered up a pot roast and gravy, garlic spinach,green salad,mashed potatoes with garlic, and warm Italian bread.baked apples for dessert...
by the time we finish all this stuff with garlic we will reek of it :LOL:
We're having Chicken Ajillo (pieces sauteed with garlic and white wine) and sauteed Japanese turnips with their greens.

I've been a "cooking mood" lately. May even start on the Thanksgiving food, and put my roll dough to rise. (I'll freeze it and finish them on the day.)
I feel you ChefJune... I get in those moods quite often!!! I love it!
A Minnesota specialty...
Tater Tot Hotdish!!!
Casserole to you normal folks....
My oldest requested it. :)
You need to turn that warm Italian bread into garlic bread Kadesma (lol).

That snow we had last week wasn't nuttin, Sattie. I feel stew and chili weather coming on.
We had a blizzard going around 2 am. It's settled down for now but we're expecting more lake effect sometime today. It's freezing......

I made a pot of hamburger soup yesterday, so that will be dinner tonight. I'll probably have some Italian bread to go with it. Dh will probably have a meatloaf sandwich. Ds is working.

I'm going to try an apple tart thing? for dessert that my dds' friend makes and dh loves. One thing I'm not is a baker so we'll see.

You need to turn that warm Italian bread into garlic bread Kadesma (lol).

That snow we had last week wasn't nuttin, Sattie. I feel stew and chili weather coming on.
Garlic bread, good idea that should round out the meal:LOL:
I'm thinking of lamb burgers...with rice and feta and olives and french bread

but, it's early and that might change before dinner time.
I have a pork loin marinating in olive oil, garlic, rosemary and sage. I will roast it with potatoes/squash/carrots. Desserts will be maple leaf cookies and tapioca pudding.

Dh has ordered up a pot roast and gravy, garlic spinach,green salad,mashed potatoes with garlic, and warm Italian bread.baked apples for dessert...
by the time we finish all this stuff with garlic we will reek of it :LOL:

Since you will all smell like garlic, no one will care, and if you go somewhere after you eat, people will give you plenty of room!

I'm not sure what we're having, but I'm craving some kind of pasta. I have a couple pieces of ham steak and a grilled chicken breast left, so I may combine the two for some kind of noodle dish.
I have a pork loin marinating in olive oil, garlic, rosemary and sage. I will roast it with potatoes/squash/carrots. Desserts will be maple leaf cookies and tapioca pudding.


Those are beautiful, Marigene! I'm thinking along the lines of Stuffed Italian Chicken Breasts.


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Those are beautiful, Marigene! I'm thinking along the lines of Stuffed Italian Chicken Breasts.

The chicken looks marvelous, and noodles instead of a traditional pasta is a sweet touch as well. I pulled the recipe from your website and will make it later in the week. I enjoy your creativity!:chef:

Meanwhile, me and DW have to run the kitchen at church for an event tonight, so it will be pizza and salad for din-din, which is what we are feeding the attendees.
The chicken looks marvelous, and noodles instead of a traditional pasta is a sweet touch as well. I pulled the recipe from your website and will make it later in the week. I enjoy your creativity!:chef:

Meanwhile, me and DW have to run the kitchen at church for an event tonight, so it will be pizza and salad for din-din, which is what we are feeding the attendees.

Thanks JoeV! Some of your delicious bread would be so great about now! :)

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