Dinner Thursday, 5-21-2015

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
What is it: Did no one eat, or does no one care?

I had a can of soup. Hoping to shake my germ by the weekend.

Himself routed through the fridge again. Good thing we always have lots of leftovers.

What did you all have?
I recovered a serving of meatballs and sausage in tomato sauce from the freezer for dinner tonight. Served over spaghetti.
Baked Cod and vegetable risotto
I put together quite a good Greek inspired skillet dinner with ground lamb. We love lamb and it's a treat for us. If anyone is interested, I'll be happy to post what I did.
Steve made a nice glorified green salad also.
I had grilled salmon with a salad.

I have had to cut out all animal fat, eggs, dairy and much more. I basically eat vegan with the occasional exception of fish or seafood (once a week or so). It would be tough except that if I eat any of the other stuff I get horrid pain so I figure that is good incentive! :angel: I don't need more pain!

It is a very healthy way to eat! I am eating a lot less more often as well.
Another United Way fundraiser take and bake. Chicken enchiladas and Spanish rice with Rocky Road bars. Probably enough food for 6 people, so we'll be eating leftovers for awhile.
I forgot to mention that I made a fruit salad for desert: orange, apple, banana, honeydew melon, and mango. There was about half left, so I added some raisins. They will have time to plump up before we eat the rest of that salad.
Taxy, I made a fruit salad today too!

I used strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, pear, kiwi and grapes.
I tired myself out today, so DH asked if I wanted Chinese or pizza :wub: that man. We got pizza with pepperoni, roasted red peppers, extra sauce and extra cheese. So good! I figure with the peppers and cheese, we got two veggies in! ;)
I actually did cook last night instead of working off the pile of dinners I had already made and frozen.

I just have to cook. I love cooking, but living alone and cooking just for myself, most times I cook, I end up with at least 3 more dinners from each dish I make.

Yesterday, I noticed those beautiful huge turkey neck pieces I had in the freezer, so I started a pot of baby limas using one of the turkey neck pieces for the delicious broth it makes and the nice amount of meat it provides.

When the meat and beans were all cooked, I took out the neck piece to cool, and took my potato masher to the beans to give it the yummy beany broth, then stripped off the neck meat and added it back to the pot. The last thing i did to finish off the dish was to add about a tablespoon of granulated chicken boullion for my salt. YUMMMMMmmmy.
We wanted to eat early last night because Craig had to leave super early for a long drive north for a job. So, he stopped by our favorite Italian market and picked up some pre-made meatballs, came home, whipped up a tasty red sauce and cooked some bucatini.

He also grabbed a couple of cannoli and swan cream puffs. That's the bad thing about being much closer to the market than we used to be before we moved. Too convenient now and too tempting.
I had the last of the grilled chicken thighs and potato salad from the night before. Planned leftovers. :)

Rock and Joey - fabulous pics! They both look so good! :yum:

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